Saturday, August 20, 2016

Is Cellulite a Sign of Poor Health?

Many people look in the mirror and see cellulite, and assume that means they are overweight and out of shape. But this is not necessarily true. While cellulite can be unsightly, and healthy measures such as diet and exercise can help, cellulite is not necessarily a sign that your health is poor. 

The cause of cellulite is debatable. A poor diet is said to contribute to the formation of cellulite, particularly consuming unhealthy fats such as saturated fats. Some sources claim it results from a build-up of toxins in the fat layer just under the skin. These toxins are said to sabotage the suppleness of the skin and fat layer, causing pits and bumps that hold these toxins. 

Others claim cellulite has to do with poor lymphatic drainage or lack of circulation. Still other sources point to heredity as the primary cause. Hormones may also play a role. Heredity and hormones may be the causes best represented by clinical evidence. 

Depending on which school of thought you adopt, you could consider cellulite a sign that something is amiss with your health, whether it's circulatory health, poor diet, or hormone imbalances. 

When Cellulite May Indicate Poor Health

Sometimes, cellulite does indicate poor health, and this is when cellulite results from excess body weight. Of course it is not healthy to weigh too much; cellulite is simply a manifestation of excess weight in some people. However, some people who are not overweight have cellulite, and some overweight people do not have it; so, once again, cellulite does not automatically mean you are too fat.

When Cellulite Is Probably Just Cosmetic

For many, cellulite is primarily a cosmetic issue. It's important not to get discouraged and think you're "too fat" if you have a healthy lifestyle and still have cellulite. Even some teenagers who are not overweight have cellulite, and some older people who are quite overweight have smooth skin!  

Getting Healthy 

Perhaps cellulite is best considered a sign that you could improve your health. After all, adopting a healthy lifestyle may be the key to reducing cellulite's appearance. And if you adopt healthy measures such as exercise, healthy diet, and so forth and still have cellulite, then you know it's not a sign of poor health on your body. At that point, you might try something like massage or a cellulite cream to boost your efforts at reducing cellulite. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Facial Exercises For A Firm Neck

Facial muscles will lose elasticity over time and soon you may begin to notice some wrinkles around the eyes and face.  Another problem that you may begin to notice is loose saggy skin around the neck and throat area as this area tends to show age faster than other areas of the face.  Many people will resort to expensive and invasive surgeries to reduce the sagging skin around the neck.  There are some great exercises that you can do to target the neck area and reduce the saggy skin and they are much cheaper than a facelift.

Let's take a look at some effective exercises to help tone the neck and throat and reduce sagging.

For this exercise you need to sit on the floor and have your legs folded comfortably and your back straight.  Slowly tilt your head backwards and hold this position for 10 seconds.  Return head to the forward position.  You should feel the stretch in the jaw line as you do this exercise.  Repeat this exercise for five sets.

Next, stay in the sitting position, relax your shoulders and look straight ahead.  Turn your head slowly to the right and have your chin even with your shoulder.  Hold this position for five seconds and then return to looking straight ahead.  Repeat on the left side so you are looking left and your chin is even with your left shoulder.  Hold for five seconds and then return to the facing forward position.  Repeat this exercise three times on both sides.

While still in the sitting position keep your head facing forward and your shoulders relaxed.  Tile your head to the right side and hold for five seconds.  Come back into the middle.  Tilt your head to the left side and hold for five seconds, then come back into the middle.  Repeat this on both sides for three sets.  You should feel the stretch in your neck during this exercise.

For the next exercise you want to be on your hands and knees.  Drop your head down toward the floor and keep your neck, spine and elbows straight.  Slowly inhale.  Exhale slowly and as you do so curve your back downward and lift your head upward.  Repeat this five times.

Sit on the floor again facing forward.  Tilt your head back slowly and move your jaw up and down.  Hold this position for ten seconds then return to the forward facing position.  Repeat this three times.

These simple exercises are very effective for toning and tightening the muscles in the neck and throat area.  If you do these exercises every day you will build stronger muscles that will give you a more youthful appearance.  Performing the exercises every day will start to give you results in a couple of weeks.

Try to stay in a calm, relaxed mood while doing these exercises so the muscles are relaxed and more flexible for the exercises.  Burning a candle or listening to relaxing music can help.

Binge Eating Disorder-More Common Than You Think

It is often common for individuals to overeat on certain occasions, such as a special meal or during the holidays.  But what you ate every meal in this fashion?  That’s what occurs for those who suffer from a binge eating disorder.  To them, no special requirement is necessary in order to consume large quantities of food.

Approximately 2 million people from differing backgrounds have this condition.  It does not single out certain groups according to ethnicity or age.  In fact, an alarming fact is that it can even be found in children.
People with this type of affliction are often overweight, if not obese, although it is not a necessity in order to have the condition.  They find it necessary to consume massive quantities of food at every sitting, even though they are not hungry.  When a person begins to eat, it takes the stomach approximately 20 minutes to register what has been eaten and to notify the brain that it is full.  That’s why the recommendation is to wait this period of time between helpings to give the body time to signal that no more food is necessary. 

But in these extreme cases, there is no cutoff, nor does the brain intervene.  The individual is so adept to continuing in their eating that they pay no attention to the body or the brain as a way of stopping.  And not only do they consume large quantities of food, but they do so very quickly, which further complicates the matter.

Many times, others may think that these individuals do not care or that they might even wish to be overweight, but that is simply not the case. In fact, research has shown that those who suffer from this condition do so because of a loss of control, which is why the condition has also been known as compulsive eating.  The compulsion to continue eating is there, but not the will to stop. 

There is any number of triggers that can set off one of these eating sessions.  It can be anything ranging from guilt, to fear, anger, resentment, depression or even stress.  When one of these times occurs, the binger is looking for solace in the food, even though they typically feel guilty and upset while they are doing it.  

The treatment for a binge eating disorder is medication, psychotherapy, or even a carefully designed combination of both.  Regardless of the course of treatment, the main goal is to determine what the triggering mechanisms are and to learn to effectively deal with them without the use of food.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fix Hangover Symptoms - Pounding Headache and Throwing Up

Need some advice on how to fix hangover symptoms quick and easy. Well, it may be easy but might not be as quick as you would like. The best thing you can do for yourself is take the time to rest and relax if you have over done it the night before. Yeah, yeah, we've all said it, "I'm never going to drink like that again." Uh huh, til next time that is. Why do we do it? Who knows. 

We think we are having fun but the next morning we wonder why we had so much fun and was it really worth what we have to deal with now. Headache, sensitivity to light and sound, sound especially, feeling like something has crawled in your mouth and died there, nausea and possibly the worst thing that the human body can do, throw up. Do ya really wanna to see everything you did last night for a second time? Blech! Icky, nasty, gross! I just don't think so.

When you wake up in the morning after a night of over-indulgence the very first thing you will want to do is clean your mouth. Brush your teeth and rinse with a strong mouthwash, preferably one without alcohol in it. This will not make you feel completely better but it is a good start to fix hangover symptoms.

After cleaning your mouth, drink a glass of cool water. Not too cold otherwise your stomach may cramp and cause you to vomit. Take only sips if you have to and do not slam this first glass of water or you may just be seeing it again very soon. You need to be very nice to your stomach right now or it will rebel against you.

Next, grab some caffeine, hot or cold it doesn't matter. You just need to wake up a little bit. Do not drink more than a couple of caffeinated drinks because caffeine, like alcohol, is dehydrating and you want to concentrate on hydrating yourself today. Drinking a glass of water every hour or so will be the best thing, along with time, that you can do for yourself today.

To become even more lucid, take a nice, long, hot shower and just let the water cascade over you. I guarantee that when you are done taking your shower you will feel like a human being again. Now it is time to dress in very comfortable clothes and either return to bed and take a nap or relax on the couch. Do not do anything too stressful or exert yourself in any way, if you do you will only exacerbate your symptoms and it will only take longer to feel better.

As soon as you feel hungry, try to eat just a little something. Have some tea with honey and some toast. The honey will help stabilize your blood sugar and the toast with some butter spread on it will help get rid of the nausea you may be feeling. If you are a little shaky it probably means your blood sugar is low so make sure you get that honey into your system to help fix hangover symptoms.

Blood Pressure Normal Range - Are You In It?

You would think your blood pressure normal range would depend on the person. You know, like your height, weight, and how tall you are. However it just doesn’t work like that.     

Truth be told, your normal blood pressure range should be between 110 over 75 to 120 over 80. If your Systolic and Diastolic numbers are out of the normal range you may ask, "What can I do to get my blood pressure in the normal range?" The very first thing you should do is beat a hasty track to your doctor to determine if there is a health problem causing the high numbers. However there a few things you can do on your own.

Cut Out Fried Foods 

You know the foods I’m talking about, like fried chicken, or, well anything fried for that matter. I know for some of us, that will be like cutting off our right arm. However, it’s not nearly as painful and it can save your life.      

Get Rid Of The Salt Salt  

I would say cut back the amount of salt you use, however we both know if you don’t stop using it all together, then you won’t stop at all.  You know it, and I know it, so cut it all out. But to make it easier for you use other healthy spices to enhance the flavor of your food.  

Limit Soft Drink Intake

Here is one that I think would be the toughest for most us.  We have been doing it since we were old enough to pick up a can of it. That is our wonderful soda pop. I know nothing is finer than drinking an ice cold Pepsi or Coke.  

However, take a look at the label and see the sodium in each can or bottle. It can be staggering the amount we put in our body.    

Eat Healthy Suggestions

Now for some of the good foods that are out there that we can eat to replace some of the bad stuff.  Apples are great, and you know that old saying “an apple a day will keep the doctor away” Well its true.  Try an apple instead of those chips.  For that matter any fruit will do.      

Stop Smoking

Now here is one that may affect some, however not all.  For smokers out there that have high blood pressure, YOU HAVE TO STOP!!!  There is no way around it, if you stop now then you can lower your blood pressure plus your lungs would be very thankful.   


Exercise is a very vital part to getting your blood pressure to the normal level.  This is more about will power then it is about some physical ailment. It is very important for you to pick regimen and stick to it.     

Not only will you get your blood pressure to a normal level. You can get your cholesterol down, it helps fight depression and overall you will just feel great.   

What it boils down to, is making a choice to do something which will benefit you, and the people who care about you.  If you want your blood pressure to be in the normal range then I say go for it!!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Cellulite Detox - How a Cleanse May Help Cellulite

You may have heard about doing a cleanse to help with weight loss and overall health. A cleanse is reputed to remove toxins from your body, which is why a cleanse is sometimes called a "detox" or a "detoxification cleanse." Many cleanses involve herbs, juices, and/or supplements that can aid in the process. Advocates of cleansing claim that it promotes overall health, increases energy levels, and makes digestion more efficient. But what does that have to do with cellulite?

Cellulite itself is not necessarily a sign of poor health. It may result simply from heredity or hormonal influence. It can indicate poor health, though, if the cellulite is the result of poor diet and exercise habits, or from other environmental factors. This is where a cleanse may be applicable in cases of cellulite. 

Some theorize that cellulite results from a build-up of toxins in the body. The fat cells are storage cells - they store fat - and many toxins, such as pesticides and other synthetic chemicals, tend to be fat soluble. That means they may end up being stored in the body's fat cells, possibly making those cells unhealthy in appearance and performance. A detoxifying cleanse may have a positive effect on the fat cells themselves, releasing the toxins and flushing out excess fat. 

Another way in which a cleanse may help cellulite is by increasing energy levels. When you feel more energetic, embarking on an exercise program seems a lot easier. And exercise may play a key role in getting rid of cellulite's dimpled appearance.

A detox is also reputed to enhance digestion. If you subscribe to the toxin theory as a cause for cellulite, then it makes sense that healthy digestion would help reduce cellulite. After all, efficient digestion is important for moving poisons and waste products out of the body. During the cleanse itself, you eat and drink only certain things, giving your digestive system a rest. 

Cleanses are said to reduce body fat as well, which may help get rid of cellulite if its cause is excess weight. 

Proponents of cleanses claim that they enhance skin tone. This makes sense, as overall health is supposed to be increased with a cleanse. Some cleanses that are specifically for treating cellulite, though, involve specific applications to the skin, either in the form of wraps, scrubs, or creams that are reputed to "draw out" toxins through the skin. Tighter, more supple skin tone is an important factor in diminishing cellulite. 

How to Avoid Cellulite

It's said that taking preventative measures before cellulite has a chance to form can help prevent its formation. Even if cellulite is already a fact of life for you, prevention tips can help stop more cellulite from forming and may even reduce the appearance of existing cellulite. Here are some suggestions and ideas.

Regular Exercise

Yes, you've heard this prescription before for overall health. But exercise may help prevent and reduce cellulite, too. Regular exercise like walking or cycling is good to incorporate into your routine, and if you want to get serious about cellulite-prone areas, target-toning may help a lot toward prevention and reduction. Some sources say weight training is a good remedy for cellulite.

Don't Smoke

Interestingly, sources suggest that smoking may play a role in the formation of cellulite. This is probably because smoking fills your body with toxins, and a build-up of toxins may promote cellulite. In fact, some sources say that cellulite is almost entirely due to toxin build-up. Smoking can also contribute to overall poor health, which can manifest as saggy skin and a tired appearance. 

Smoking also has a profound effect on the circulatory system, causing blood vessels to constrict and the heart to pump faster. It's been theorized that cellulite may be caused in part by poor circulation. So avoiding smoking may prevent cellulite by keeping the circulation from being adversely affected.

Healthy Diet

A low-fat diet may be an importance aspect of cellulite prevention, but only if the diet is low in unhealthy fats. Studies suggest that a diet rich in healthy fats (in moderation, of course) may help reduce cellulite and prevent its formation. 

Basically, healthy fats keep body fat healthy, and some body fat under the skin, especially in women, is perfectly normal and healthy. This fat layer may become saggy and pitted if the fat cells are being "fed" by unhealthy fats in the diet. Replacing the bad fats with moderate amounts of healthy fats may help keep this normal fat layer in top shape.


Massage is considered an important treatment for cellulite, but some regular massage to prevent cellulite may be in order. You can make a simple massage part of your daily routine with a hand-held, home massager specifically for cellulite.

Creams and Scrubs

Like massage, creams and scrubs can be used for prevention or reduction of cellulite. Their application can also be made a part of your daily routine; just apply them after showering and/or before bed. 
