Saturday, September 30, 2017

Remedies For Dark Eye Circles And Puffiness

If you suffer from dark circles under your eyes or shadows or puffiness under the eyes then be assured this is something that does happen to all of us at some stage and is quite common as you get older.  Aging does many things to the body and these eye problems are one of them.  There are some great products available that can help to reduce these signs of aging and they are much cheaper than going for the surgery option.

One of the natural moves that you can make to reduce circles, shadows and puffiness under the eyes is to add Vitamins A, C and E to your diet and reduce your consumption of sodium.  You also need to make sure that you are getting enough sleep every night.

There are some great home remedies that many people swear by too for removing darkness and puffiness.  Applying tea bags or fresh cut cucumbers to the eyes can work wonders.  Another method used back in Grandma's days was Preparation H but please stay away from this one as it can cause eye damage.

Horse chestnut is an ingredient that you should keep an eye out when looking for eye products as this ingredient promotes micro-circulation.  Aloe is another great substance that soothes and hydrates the eyes and skin.  Ivy will help to decongest and to eliminate excess water so will help to reduce puffiness around the eyes.  Caffeine can help to reduce swelling.  White or green teas are both great substances for soothing inflammation and redness.  Cucumber also reduces inflammation and liquorice can soothe irritation and reduce puffiness.

Then we move on to the longer term fixes such as injectable wrinkle fillers.  Two such fillers that are used by the experts are Juvederm and Restylane.  The eyes can develop an indentation as a result of puffiness and the filler is injected around the puffy area to remove that indentation.  Botox is another product that is commonly used to smooth out all those fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.  All of these fillers give the effect of the skin appearing smoother and younger.  Filler methods last for around nine months at which time you will need to have the procedure repeated.  These procedures can cost several thousand dollars each time.

Many of us suffer from dark eyes in the morning, sometimes referred to as 'raccoon eyes'.  Dark eyes will make a person look tired, older and they may even look a little like they are taking drugs.  Unfortunately some people have dark eyes more than others even when they are getting adequate sleep so they may look for alternative methods to remove those dark circles.

Products that include Vitamin K are great to stimulate blood flow which will help to repair any broken capillary walls around the eyes.  Also try products that include Vitamin A, C and E as these increase the antioxidant protectors and get rid of free radicals.  Hesperidins strengthen the capillaries which will reduce blood pooling and it also helps to improve micro-circulation in the eye area.  Peptide technology will help to promote collagen synthesis that will help to make the skin firmer around the eye.  Konica acid in products can help to lighten the area of skin around the eyes that has become discolored.

Concealers are great for camouflaging the darkness around the eye, particularly peach or salmon colored.  Use a nylon concealer brush to add a layer of concealer in the creases below the eyes and this can reduce puffiness.  It is best to buy a good quality concealer to get the best results.

Organic Night Anti-Aging Cream For Younger Looking Skin

An organic night anti-aging cream can make a huge difference to the appearance of your skin.  The results that such a cream produces have made this type of product extremely popular.

Most people think that aging is a natural process.  Well of course they are right, aging is completely natural, but that doesn't mean that it has to happen at a given rate.  There are many things that can be done to reduce the aging process.  The food that you eat, your exercise program and whether you drink or smoke can all make a big difference to how fast you age.  The skin care products that you use can also help to keep your skin looking younger.

Organic night anti-aging cream has ingredients that the skin needs to replenish the skin cells and give you younger looking skin.  Many night creams contain harmful ingredients such as parabens but organic cream is free from these harmful ingredients.

Skin is great at absorbing and will absorb any product that it comes in contact with.  The skin is more susceptible to absorbing things at night because it becomes drier during the day.  Because the skin is more susceptible to absorbing things at night then this is the best time to apply a good anti-aging cream so it can be absorbed for hours.

Organic products can be consumed or absorbed without any side effects or complications to one’s health.  Organic products need to be safe for consumption and absorption.  I know that you don't eat skin care products but it's safe to assume that if the product is safe for consumption then it would be safe to apply to your skin.

There are many reviews on organic night anti-aging creams and they are all very positive.  The reviews have shown that these creams are very effective and safe to use.  The products product smooth, younger looking skin and will help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.  You will need to use the product every night and it won't be long before you begin to see some great results.

During research trials the organic creams performed much better than chemical creams.  Containing no harmful ingredients they proved to be safe, healthy and harmless with their natural organic ingredients.  Those who participated in the trials claimed that they got longer lasting results with the organic creams than they did with chemical creams.  There were no side effects or sensitivity with the organic creams.

As one ages the skin does become more sensitive and susceptible to irritation so an organic cream is particularly helpful as you get older.  There will be no discomfort while sleeping with organic night anti-aging cream and you will benefit from the reduced wrinkles and fine lines.

Just How Effective Is Shea Butter

Shea butter is a fatty substance that is made from nuts grown on the karate nut tree in West and Central Africa. The butter is also known as karate butter.  The karate nut tree grows in the wild and has a life expectancy of 300 years and takes fifty years to mature.  It is only in recent times that the butter from these nuts have become very popular for their health and beauty benefits.

Shea butter is quite effective for reducing wrinkles as it moisturizes the skin, increases circulation in the skin and promotes cell renewal.  The butter also contains cinnamic acid which helps to protect the skin from the sun's UV rays.  Shea butter also has some incredible healing properties and is used to heal sores, scars, burns, dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff and stretch marks.  It also has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and it contains some important vitamins including Vitamin E, F and A.  Vitamin F is great in assisting the protection of skin against harmful exposure to the elements.  It also contains the three essential fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids.

The skin needs some fatty acids to retain moisture and elasticity and as Shea butter contains the three essential fatty acids it is very effective in moisturizing the skin.  It is also often used in shampoos, anti-aging creams, soaps, lotions, massage oils and cosmetics.  Shea butter just melts into the skin leaving it feeling soft and smooth.

This amazing butter is used worldwide for those who want to keep their skin youthful and healthy and want to repair any damage to their skin.  Shea butter is used as the main ingredient in many skin care products.

Shea butter has become particularly popular with pregnant women as the fatty acids make the skin soft and subtle and allow it to stretch with the growing stomach of the pregnancy.  It helps in the fight against stretch marks and any possible scarring of stretch marks.

Those cosmetic companies who have discover shea butter and are using the butter in their products are benefiting from its popularity.  The skin care benefits that change the aging effects of women have been welcomed with open arms.

The medical world has also discovered the benefits of this amazing product and the fantastic effects it has on the skin.  Skin can be replenished even if it is showing the signs of lifelong damage, that youthful appearance and texture can be regained.

Shea butter will have skin and hair looking young and healthy again in no time.  There is no leftover greasy feeling left on the skin as there is with many other skin care products.  The butter not only helps with keeping skin youthful but it also helps to reduce skin irritations and burns and also reduce any scarring.  Many women have now added shea butter products to their facial regimens and are enjoying the many benefits it brings.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Organic skin care

“If it can be done naturally, why go for artificial means” - this is the basic premise on which ‘organic skin care’ works. Organic skin care is the most natural way of ‘skin care’. In fact, ‘organic skin care’ was probably the first one to be used by man when it first woke-up to the needs of his skin. ‘Organic skin care’ is not only friendlier to skin, but also inexpensive.

If exercised in the right way, organic skin care can prevent the occurrence of a lot of skin disorders and can help keep your skin healthy and young-looking for a much longer time.

Organic fruits and vegetables are the most popular things on organic skin care routines e.g. cucumber is very common in organic skin care routines. Turmeric, apple, papaya, ginger are others that find a wide use in organic skin care routines. These organic materials have a very refreshing and vitalizing effect on your skin. Almost every skin care book/guide has section on organic skin care (including the actions of various fruits and vegetables on skin). So choose the ones that are more suitable for your skin type and start experimenting with them until you finally select the ones that are most suitable for inclusion in your organic skin care routine. It’s important that you use fresh organic fruits/vegetables. Don’t try to utilise the rotten ones for your skin, their only place is the garbage bin.

Milk is known to posses good cleansing properties; in fact, the name of some skin care products contains the word ‘milk’ in them. A combination of milk with ground oatmeal acts as wonderful cleanser.

Ground oatmeal is especially good for oily skins and is a popular ingredient in organic skin care regimen.  It is used in various combinations e.g. with egg, honey, milk and fruits, for preparation of organic facial packs.

Wheat germ is another ingredient in organic skin care procedures. It is rich in vitamin E and is known for its exfoliation as well as moisturising properties. Wheat germ, in various combinations with other organic materials, is used to prepare facial masks for normal and dry skin types. Wheat germ oil is another way in which wheat germ is used for organic skin care.

Yogurt and sour cream are other organic materials that are popular for their exfoliation and moisturising properties.

Use of organic honey is also popular in organic skin care procedures. It helps in retention of moisture and helps impart a glowing look to skin.

Rose water takes its place as a toner in organic skin care routines.  Lavender water is popular too.

‘Organic skin care’ uses combinations of various organic materials that complement each other and enhance each other’s effectiveness. Moreover, these combinations are also helpful in over-riding the harmful effects (if any) of various organic materials that form them.

Organic skin care is really an art that, once perfected, can give wonderful results in a very cost effective manner.

Lotions vs. skin care creams

There is no dearth of skin care creams and lotions in the market. Name an ailment, and you will find hundreds of skin care creams, lotions and other products for it. As a result of ongoing research and due to ever increasing demand, the number of skin care products seems to be on the increase.

 Oscar de la Renta - Rose Gold-plated Clip Earrings

Skin care lotions and skin care creams are the most popular forms in which these products are available, and there always seems to be a debate on which form is better?

Well, there is no definitive answer to this. It seems more like a matter of personal choice. However, greasy creams are surely less popular as compared to the non-greasy (or less greasy) ones. Since the application of skin care creams is easier, they seem to be preferred (over lotions) in cases where the skin care product is not to be removed immediately after application. So, skin care creams seem more popular as moisturisers than as cleansers or toners. For toners, lotions seem to be preferred over skin care creams. There are some skin care creams that acts as toners too, but generally the toners are available in liquid form only. For cleansing, lotions and skin care creams are equally popular; however, the tilt seems more towards lotions.

Creams are known to be most effective in keeping skin moist; hence, the most popular form of skin care creams is moisturisers. Due to the same reason, a lot of people tend to associate skin care creams with dry and sensitive skin. Though it is true to a certain extent, skin care creams are not used only for dry skin, they are also used for making products for oily skin e.g. vitamin A creams and sulphur creams that help reduce the rate of sebum production.

Skin care creams are also used for products that cater to skin disorders especially for disorders that require the application of product over a small localised area. This is again due to the fact that skin care creams are easier to apply (without wastage) on the affected area. However, in cases where skin needs to be washed using a medicine/product, lotion is a better choice. Mostly, the manufacturers too realize this fact, making it easier for you to choose between a lotion and a skin care cream

Eye-creams and anti-ageing creams are other examples where skin care cream is preferred over its lotion counterpart.

Whatever your choice be (cream or lotion), knowing how to use it effectively, is more important than anything else.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Natural Fungus Fighters

Fungal infections plague a good number of people, and they are not only uncomfortable; they can be stubborn to clear up, too. The subject of fungal infections in general and yeast infections in particular has gotten a lot of attention lately, and as fungal infections seem less and less responsive to conventional treatment, herbal remedies are being explored. Thankfully, there are some very effective herbs and natural treatments for fungal infections. Here are some of them.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

While a bit smelly, apple cider vinegar is a powerful antifungal. For athlete's foot, you can soak your feet in a diluted apple cider vinegar solution several times a day, and/or you can "paint" the affected area with a cotton ball or swab soaked in apple cider vinegar. 

For internal infections, apple cider vinegar can be consumed several times a day. It's strong stuff - you will probably want to dilute it with water and sweeten it with raw honey or stevia, but avoid sugar sweetening. Sugar is said to worsen yeast infections, since yeast thrive on it. 

Sources also point out that diluted apple cider vinegar can also be used as a douche to cure vaginal yeast infections.

Look for raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, as it has the most active constituents.

2. Garlic

Again with a smelly remedy! Garlic may be odorous, but it's reputed to be a great fungus fighter. Taken internally, garlic can help cure yeast and fungal infections in the body. For vaginal yeast infections, a peeled garlic clove can be inserted into the vagina and left overnight, and the process repeated (with a fresh garlic clove) every night for about a week, or until symptoms subside. 

Rub a cut garlic clove over athlete's foot several times a day for topical treatment.

3. Echinacea

For more than just colds and flu, a German study has shown that Echinacea is a powerful antifungal. Taken internally, Echinacea helps clear up yeast infections and prevents their recurrence, the study showed. 

4. Goldenseal

The yellow root of this plant contains berberine, which is not only an antibiotic but an antifungal as well. A diluted tea made from the roots could be used as a douche or foot-soak for athlete's foot, or the diluted tincture could be used similarly. It can also be taken internally, but not for more than three weeks or so (after that, it might affect intestinal flora). 

5. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)

This somewhat controversial antifungal remedy is alleged to be quite potent. It's controversial because the active constituents have not been thoroughly identified, but it's been shown to be quite effective at treating fungal infections, both topically and internally. 


Food as Medicine - How to Add Healing Power to Everyday Meals

Have you ever heard the ancient saying, "Let your medicine be your food, and food be your medicine"? It's a wise saying by Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, from whom originates the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors. Oddly, while modern doctors recognize Hippocrates' contribution to medicine in the form of the Oath, the idea that our food can be our medicine is generally not included in the practice of modern medicine.

The good news is, foods are still "medicines," and you can affect your health positively with the foods you eat. If you'd like to incorporate more healing herbs and foods into your diet, here are some tips that can help.


The healing power of various herbs is becoming more and more recognized and accepted. Here are some of the more readily available herbs that you can add to your foods to boost their healing power.

* Ginger is an effective anti-nausea remedy and has significant antibacterial properties. The fresh root, sliced or diced, can be added to stir-fries, and it can be candied and eaten out of hand. 

* Oregano, a tasty herb when added to pizza, spaghetti, and so forth, is considered an antioxidant. Antioxidants help mop up "free radicals" in the body, which are by-products of the body's metabolic processes. Free radicals are implicated in the development of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. So sprinkle this herb on regular dishes that are Italian or Greek in flavor. 

* Rosemary is another antioxidant herb, and may help enhance memory and prevent cataracts. It may even help prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Rosemary is very good when used in meat marinades and sprinkled on dishes like pizza, focaccia, or pasta. 

* Turmeric is commonly found in Indian curries. It has a yellowish color and earthy flavor, and is said to help reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Turmeric can be added to soups and stews, curries, stir-fries, and other dishes. 


The food you eat - not just the herbs you put on it - can help heal, too. Here are some suggestions. 

* Garlic is a powerful preventer of colds and flu, and it has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. You can make garlic sauce for pasta, add it to soups, and base many meals around this simple food.

* Onions are like garlic in their healthful properties. They are perhaps even more versatile; they can be made into a dish on their own or added to other foods.

* Berries are known for their antioxidant power. Add berries to salads or eat them out of hand. You can also freeze them and blend them into smoothies. 


Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Joel Therien had a thriving career as a personal trainer and he started his second professional career right out of University as a Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist at the Montford Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Although he had an amazing boss, great working colleagues and a pretty good salary of $52,000 a year, Joel wanted more. He wanted to provide a better future for himself and his family. So... the thought of doing stress testing at a hospital for the next 40 years started to lose its appeal. Hence he quit after eight months into it.

However, at 27 years of age he started to lose his health and became a "medical mystery", as he referred to his health problem. He had been misdiagnosed with either Lou Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, or brain cancer. He went from a lean muscular 240 pounds with 7% body fat down to 165 pounds. As a bodybuilder, this deeply concerned him and this is when he turned to the internet to look for answers.

Joel used the internet to find the answer or reason for his ill-health. He claimed that it was "ASPARTAME", (additive code E 951), the artificial sweetener found in all diet soft drinks and in many foods today. You see, he was on diet of various products that contained aspartame, to maintain his low body fat levels. And he felt that due to the over consumption of aspartame, he was poisoning himself. Although aspartame has been approved by various world food authorities, the debate on its toxicity still goes on.

Joel Therien spent almost 12 hours a day for two full years on the Internet in a small 800 sq. ft. row house with his young family. Although his expenses were relatively little he was near emotional, physical, and financial ruin.

“I still wasn’t feeling well physically and I still had not made a single sale online in 2 years. The emotional pressure was overwhelming.”
Despite the health setbacks he was able to build up a very profitable multi million dollar business that has been up and running now since 1998. That company is Global Virtual Opportunities (GVO)

Joel credits the long term 18 year success of GVO by offering true business to business products that business owners and network marketers actually need!! At a great price!

His motto “You do NOT have a great opportunity if you do NOT have great products that people are willing to pay for despite the opportunity”

Joel admits, during the climb of GVO he was still suffering from the effects of aspartame poisoning. Constant food allergies, debilitating migraines were the norm. But he pushed on.

However, after a lot of homeopathy, acupuncture, and organic foods, Joel says his worst days are behind him. “For the past 5 years I have been once again in the gym regularly. It feels great to have built the same body I once had in my 20ies but now even better at age 44”  “You know” says Joel, “Getting so sick was a blessing in disguise, I would have never founded GVO and now with 18 years experience and feeling healthy again I am able to launch NowLifstyle. Our very first Health and Wellness lifestyle platform that is also our very first truly consumer based product line..”

NowLifeStyle will be by far the biggest and most successful program we have ever done. Now that I am healthy again, I am able to share my true passions for health and wellness with the world.. You combine that with 18 years of online marketing and MLM experience and 33 years of Personal Training experience and you have a real home run!!!

So yeah.. I don’t mind getting a bit sick, it was worth the wait, it is time to transform millions of lives all over the world.

NowLifestyle is currently in the Pre Enrollment phase. 

Join their Pre Enrollment notification list here.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Heart Healthy Exercise - Is A Great Combo

Heart healthy exercise is no different than any other exercise. Any exercise can help make your heart stronger, your lungs able to function better and your muscles able to burn fat better. Many people make the time to go to a gym to get their work outs in each day but what if you can't find the time or have the money to join a gym?

If you can't find the time or have the money to join a gym you can always do things at home to improve your heart health. They say that walking is the best thing you can do for your heart healthy exercise. Get out and walk at least thirty minutes a day, work up to thirty minutes if you have to but don't over do it. If you hurt yourself you will only set yourself back further. Ask a friend to go with you if you need company. Exercising with someone will keep you motivated and increase the chance you will stick to your program.

Try to carve out an extra thirty minutes to one hour of your day and devote that time to exercising. Even if you have to start your day one hour earlier and use that time to get your exercise in. Do not worry that you are shorting yourself some sleep because if you are getting in shape your body will need less sleep than it does now. Studies have shown that the better shape you are in the less sleep your body needs because your body is using what you give it a lot more efficiently.

If you can't bring yourself to part with your precious sleep then why not go for a walk on your lunch hour at work. Or, research exercises that can be done at your desk when it is break time. There are several that have been developed for people who can't find any other time to exercise. The trick is to just keep moving, doing something, no matter how little or how much, is the key to getting in shape and making your body and heart stronger.

When walking has made you stronger you may want to up the ante some and try out a work out DVD in your living room. Do not be bashful, if you are worried that someone will see you and laugh at you because you can't keep up just draw the blinds and do your best to learn the routine on the DVD. Then you can be the one laughing because you have gotten in shape and lost the weight and the ones who laughed are still out of shape and fat.

If you do not want to buy a work out DVD then go to your local video store and rent one. Rent several until you find one you like and then buy it. Get yourself a good mp3 player and download some awesome work out music to listen to during your work outs. Music is a great motivator and can make your heart healthy exercise a whole lot more interesting.

Exercise To Relieve Stress And Lose Weight

If you have been paying attention to the news lately, you have probably noticed two things: people are getting heavier, and they are experiencing a lot more stress. It's hard to imagine that this is a simple coincidence. In fact, a lot of of the complications of obesity and stress are the same.

The good news is that there may be a single solution to both problems, and that is exercise. Exercise can help you lose weight by burning calories, and it can also help relieve stress by releasing feel-good chemicals known as endorphins. Let's look at both of these benefits of exercise in a bit more detail.

The more you weigh, the more physical stress you will put on your body. The question is whether or not that physical stress translates into mental stress. Unfortunately, there is no solid answer to that question yet.

However, there is plenty of evidence that losing weight is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health. And you can only lose weight by burning more calories than you take in. One way to accomplish this is through exercise. You don't even have to do that much of it. As few as 30 minutes per day, most days of the week, can start to add up.

What you do for exercise isn't all that important. What counts is that you are getting active and burning off some of those extra calories. Exercise can also reduce your level of stress by releasing endorphins. These are chemical that make you feel good, and are responsible for what's known as "runner's high". Endorphins are somewhat similar to morphine, and will help to relieve stress.

When you make exercise a part of your normal routine, the endorphins will be released more often, and you will get the stress-relieving benefits more often, too. This good feeling isn't just there during the workout, but it can last for several hours after you are finished exercising. There is also something therapeutic about exercise, as it helps you blow of steam.

All of those little frustrations you face every day suddenly start to vanish. This beats the alternative of letting all of the frustration build up until you explode in an uncontrollable (and potentially dangerous) fit of rage. Getting rid of frustration in a healthy manner is so much better than doing other things.

Exercise is a natural way to handle stress, so there's no need to take questionable medications or engage in risky behaviors to forget about your troubles. If you have a lot of stress to get rid of, then have a more intensive workout. On the other hand, if you would just like to have a lower level of stress overall, then regular exercise is a smart choice. It can help you lose weight, relieve stress and be healthier, too.