Saturday, October 29, 2016

A Natural Approach to Headache Relief

Headaches can be debilitating at worst and a nagging inconvenience at best. They can affect work and school productivity, and a bad headache can simply put you out of commission, no matter what your vocation. Taking medications can help relieve pain, but some of these pain relievers have side effects (such as stomach pain) and, if taken over too long a period, pain relievers can cause a rebound effect (in the form of another headache) when you stop taking them.

Some of the common causes of headaches are muscle tension, dilation and constriction of the blood vessels in the brain, food sensitivities, and hormone fluctuations. Once you've seen your health care practitioner and have ruled out anything serious, there are some natural approaches to headache relief that you can try.
1. Cramp Bark (Vibernum opulus)

As the name of the herb suggests, Cramp bark helps alleviate muscle tension and cramps. Vibernum prunifolium is also sold as "Cramp bark," but it is generally used to relieve uterine cramping. Cramp bark (Vibernum opulus) is touted as a prevention and treatment for muscle tension headaches. It is generally taken in capsule form, but a tea made from the bark can also be taken. 

2. Massage 

The relaxing effect of massage can help ease muscle tension and increase circulation, both of which might help a headache. There are massages you can do yourself in your own home or ask someone else to do them, or you can go to a professional for headache relief and prevention.

3. Chiropractic

Muscle tension can cause bone and joint misalignment, say chiropractic practitioners, and then the misalignment exacerbates the muscle tension as muscles work to pull the bones back into alignment. Getting an adjustment at a chiropractor can bring almost instant headache relief, and seeing the chiropractor regularly (say once a month) can help stave off future headaches.

4. Feverfew

This daisy-like little flower is considered by some herbalists to be a very effective remedy for headaches, particularly migraines. While there are many ways to take it, capsules are probably the easiest and have the fewest side effects. You can take feverfew regularly to prevent migraine attacks.

5. Willow

You might have heard of white willow for pain relief; but actually, various willow (Salix) species can help relieve pain. The precursor to aspirin, the inner bark of the white willow can provide pain relief for headaches. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. White willow (and other willow bark) is usually taken in capsules. 

6. Stress Management

It's generally understood that stress and headaches are interconnected. Engaging in regular stress relief may help prevent the onset of headaches. Stretching, meditation, Yoga, Pilates, and other methods can help align the body and reduce stress.   

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

25 Natural Ways To Relieve Back Pain Today

There are many more than 25 natural ways to relieve back pain, however this will be a good starting point. The 25 natural ways to relieve back pain can be broken down in to several categories. The first is stretching then strengthening and then by drinking and eating. The third area when looking at the 25 natural ways to relieve back pain is to use good posture when sitting and standing. 

The first group of the 25 natural ways to relieve back pain will involve stretching. To do this you will need to hold each position for 5-8 seconds and do not bounce or make any swift movements. Do not move beyond the pain. If you feel pain, you need to stop.

Stretching Moves: 

1. Lie face down on an exercise ball and move your shoulders forward slightly. 
2. After sitting for some time, stand and place your hands upon your lower back, then push your shoulders back and hips forward. 
3. Lay on the ground facing up. Pull one knee up towards your chest and then pull your other leg up to your chest. 
4. While holding the above position, twist the bottom half of your torso to your left and point your knees to the 10 o'clock position, then point them to your right at the 2 o'clock position. Remember to hold each position for 5-8 seconds. 
5. While lying on the ground face up, bend your legs at the knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Slowly push up your hip area until you form a bridge. The second group of 25 natural ways to relieve back pain includes back strengthening. 
6. Do Hindu style squats. This will strengthen your lower back so that you are able to deal with every day rigor. 
7. Do sit ups. Sit ups strengthen your abs but also takes the pressure off of your back muscles.
8. The Superman position. Lay face down and lift your upper torso and legs so that your body forms a bowl and hold the position for a few seconds. 
9. The Reverse Fly. Lean over at about 90 degrees, use a 5- 10 pound weight in each hand, then raise both arms straight out. 
10. Opposite arm and leg raise.Get on all fours, extend one of your arms completely and then raise the opposite leg and then switch to the other arm and leg.

Eating And Drinking To Rellieve Back Pain:

11. Drink lots of water.
12. Avoid too much sugar and carbonated drinks.
13. Eat vitamin B-12 rich foods.
14. Increase your calcium levels.
15. Eat foods that are rich in magnesium.

Good Posture While Satanding or Sitting:

16. If you sit for a long time use some type of lumbar support for your lower back. 
17. If you are sitting or standing sit with your back pushed toward your tummy and your shoulders pushed back.
18. When standing or sitting prop a foot on a step stool.
19. If you have to stand for a long period keep your chest elevated,shoulders pushed back and your body straight to the ground. 
20. If you have to sit at a desk for a long time, raise your computer monitor to a higher setting so you do not have to look down. Be sure to keep your head level. The fifth and final group of 25 natural ways to relieve back pain involves moving. 
21. If you sit for long periods, lean to the right and left. Make sure to keep adjusting yourself. 
22. Walk more. Walking strengthens your back muscles.
23. Bend down to touch your toes.
24. Be sure to move your head around.
25. Give yourself a giant hug. 

The 25 natural ways to relieve back pain that I mentioned are only a few suggestions, there are so much more that will help with back pain.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Learning to Cook Vegan Successfully

Plenty of people every year decide to switch to a Vegan lifestyle.  This means that you certainly are not alone when it comes time to break in some new dishes that you have been drying to try.  However, it does mean that you are going to be rather amazed at some of the great unique dishes that are available to try out.  Looking for several ways to get started cooking Vegan successfully is not always easy, but if you have some patience and a bit of time to really plan out a game plan you will find that it does not have to be as difficult as it might sound.

The very first step you need to take is a good accurate assessment of your current cooking skills.  If the idea of walking into the kitchen to cook has you sweating profusely then you are again not alone, but it will mean that you need to come to terms with the kitchen.  If your idea of cooking is running to the local take out and putting food on plates or even eating straight out of the box you will again need to come to terms with the kitchen.  A vegan diet is possible, but while eating out is also possible it is not as healthy, nor will you find the same amount of options as you can prepare yourself at home.

Your next step is to determine how well you can actually cook vegetables.  Many people think that vegetables have to be limp, boring and bland.  This is actually far from the truth.  Using several different cooking techniques, it is possible to make vegetables that actually taste good!  Strange as it may sound, it really is possible and if you do not already know these methods you will need to learn them quickly.

You should also dedicate a bit of time to learning a few of the simplest recipes.  These will serve you well when it comes time to throw a fast meal together so you are not late for a teacher’s conference or you have unexpected guests coming over.  Of course, everybody wishes they had time to prepare a full three course meal but alas, this rarely happens so knowing a few fast delicious recipes is sure to safe you at some point or another.  Just be very careful to stick to ingredients that are common in your house for these recipes so you do not have a collection of useless recipes with no ingredients.

Look into a couple of cooking classes.  This will help you to really master the Vegan cooking lifestyle.  Giving up meat is certainly not easy and while there are some great animal product substitutes available on the market learning how to properly cook them as well as ensure that they are prepared correctly is some valuable information.  There is certainly no reason to sign up for dozens of lessons though, most people can easily get by on just 2 or even three fast lessons.  Just enough time to really cover some basics without getting completely lost.  Looking at this as a great learning adventure will allow you to get the biggest benefit possible, and you may even decide that you want to take some additional classes and further expand your vegan cooking skills.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Choosing the Cellulite Treatment That's Best for You

Are you looking to rid yourself of cellulite, or reduce its appearance? 
If so, you might be overwhelmed by the treatments available out there. What works? 
What can you afford? Does exercise help? Following is an evaluative list of some cellulite treatment options to help you choose what's right for you.


There are exercises that are reputed to help reduce cellulite. Some kind of cardiovascular exercise is considered the best start; it boosts your metabolism and helps circulation (more about circulation's role in cellulite later). Cardiovascular exercises like jogging, brisk walking, swimming, etc. get the muscles warmed up and ready for toning.

Following cardio, target toning may help reduce cellulite. Exercises that work the back of the arms, buttocks, inner thighs, backs of the legs and belly are best, as this is where cellulite tends to occur. Wherever you tend to have cellulite, use light weights and toning exercises on that area. 

Exercises to reduce cellulite can be done in your home via DVD, video, or online tutorials. Or, you can join a class or gym. The exercise option is perhaps the most individualized approach, and a large or small budget can accommodate some form of anti-cellulite exercise.


It could be said that combining exercise (see above), with diet is the best combination for combating cellulite. Experts say that a diet high in unhealthy fats (fats that are solid at room temperature, trans fats, and so forth) can contribute to cellulite, but a diet rich in healthy fats (Omega 3s, Omega 6s, and other essential fatty acids) may actually help reduce cellulite and prevent its formation. Apparently, when you consume healthy fats, you contribute to the healthy appearance of the skin and the fat cells beneath it. 

Lean protein, whole grains (for fiber and key nutrients), and lots of plant-based foods is probably your best bet for an anti-cellulite diet. Just changing your diet is probably not going to make all you cellulite magically disappear. However, it may contribute significantly to an overall regimen to reduce cellulite.


Poor circulation may contribute to cellulite formation. As noted above, exercise is a good way to boost your cardiovascular system, and target toning can enhance circulation right where the cellulite is. Massage may have a similar effect, bringing blood to the affected area and enhancing skin tone. 

Because cellulite is said to be an issue of skin as well as the fat layer beneath, massage can address both of these areas. Many home cellulite massagers are available on the market - perhaps the least expensive is a hand-held device meant to be used in the shower on wet, soapy skin. There are also electrical massagers available, and even spa treatments with professional massage. 

Creams and Scrubs

Whether you go with homemade creams and scrubs or commercial ones, such topical treatments are said to be most effective when combined with other approaches. Anti-cellulite scrubs can help enhance circulation, as can "wraps," where you apply a cream to the area and wrap it in plastic wrap. Creams often contain caffeine which is said to tighten up the skin.  

Saturday, October 15, 2016

What Is Cellulite?

A great many people have cellulite - some sources say that it occurs in 90 percent of women. That's a lot of lumps! What is cellulite, anyway? Does it mean you're unhealthy? Can you get it if you're not overweight?

Cellulite was not always considered unattractive. In days past, lumpy skin on the buttocks and thighs was considered feminine and was depicted favorably in paintings. But today, most of us consider cellulite unsightly and want to get rid of it. Regardless of how it's viewed, many of us are not sure just what cellulite is.

Directly under the skin, there is a fat layer, particularly in women. This subcutaneous fat layer can become pitted and bumpy in appearance. Why it does so is subject to debate. But the fact that this fat layer is more predominant in women than in men has a lot to do with why women are more subject to cellulite.

What Causes the Bumps?

The jury is still out on this one. Nearly all sources agree that the lumps occur in the subcutaneous fat layer, but opinions differ as to how they get there.

* Hormones may play a role, which would also help explain women's tendency to develop cellulite. In this day and age of synthetic hormones and chemical hormone disruptors (such as some pesticides), it's no wonder that hormonal imbalances are becoming more prominent. Hormones influence all sorts of body systems, including how the body stores fat.

* Poor circulation is another possible cause of cellulite. When the circulation in a certain body area is poor, it may result in poor skin tone, "stagnant" fat cells and inadequate lymphatic drainage. These factors may come together to form the bumpy appearance of cellulite.

* Heredity may also play a role. Your genes determine your skin thickness and overall body structure, which conspire to make you more or less vulnerable to cellulite.

* A tight tissue "network" under the skin may also contribute to cellulite. The shape, placement, and flexibility (or lack of it) in the subcutaneous tissue plays a significant role in how lumpy the fat under the skin looks.

Is It Unhealthy?

Cellulite is not considered unhealthy per se. But it may be a sign of poor health if it results from excess body weight, poor exercise habits, or a build-up of toxins.

Is Cellulite Just Fat?

While cellulite is subcutaneous fat that appears lumpy, it's not "just fat." In fact, healthy subcutaneous fat can give you a youthful, smooth appearance, especially in the face. Some people will even have fat injected under the skin in a cosmetic procedure to "plump" certain areas of the body! So cellulite is not just fat; it's a particular manifestation of body fat. Not all body fat looks lumpy.