Unfortunately ear infections are quite common, particularly in children. The ear canal is one of the most susceptible parts of the body to fungal and bacterial infections. It is estimated that over twenty million visits to pediatricians are for ear infections.
Although ear infections are more common in young children, adults can also suffer from them. In fact, some adults are prone to ear infections and will get them quite frequently. Those who suffer from earn infections regularly might be interested to read on and learn more about ear infection symptoms. causes and home remedies to treat them.
An ear infection in medical terms is known as 'otitis media'. An infection will occur directly behind the eardrum and is usually caused by bacteria which has come from an outside source. Ear infection often occurs when a person has a cold and blocked Eustachian tubes and bacteria can then form within the tubes. Another source of earn infection is excess moisture in the ear, usually water remaining in the ear following swimming, which has resulted in the ear being more susceptible to bacteria.
As part of the ear's regular physiological process, the Eustachian tubes will drain any fluid accumulating within it. If the tubes do not drain or are blocked, which can offer occur during a bout of the common cold, then an ear infection may develop.
These are the basics of what causes ear infections, now let's take a look at some of the symptoms. Pain is by far the most noticeable symptom. Pain that accompanies an ear infection can be quite mild or it can be excruciating. In some cases there may be discharge from the ear but not always. Fever may also be present with earn infections and some people will experience loss of balance or dizziness, this occurs because the ear is responsible for our sense of balance.
There are a number of ways to treat ear infections and antibiotics are often prescribed if you see a doctor. However, depending on when symptoms begin with an ear infection, a person isn't always able to see their doctor immediately. If, for example, pain begins at night, they may not be able to visit a doctor until the morning. In the meantime their ear infection can be causing a great deal of pain and so they need some pain relief.
When you have to wait a significant amount of time, this is when home remedies can come in handy. You can use over-the-counter ear drops if you have any on hand, but if not there are some remedies you can make using ingredients that you might have in the kitchen.
A few drops of lemon juice in the sore ear can relieve pain and also stop the infection in it's tracks. A mixture of 50% water and 50% vinegar will also have a similar effect. Cooking garlic in olive oil, draining, let cool and then apply a few drops into the ear will also help to relieve pain.
These are just a few home remedies that you can try if you are not able to get to a doctor for some time. It is always best to see a doctor when you can to get a proper diagnosis.
Home remedies have proven time and time again that they are incredibly popular.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
12 Effective Home Remedies for Sunburn
Sunburn occurs when the skin gets parched or burnt under the impact of Ultra Violet radiation or UV radiation given out by the sun. It takes place due to excessive exposure to sun light. Over-exposure to sun makes the body's protective pigment melanin, incapable of protecting the skin, leading to much skin damage. Exposure to tanning lamps or welding arcs can also cause such burns. As sunburn occurs, the living tissues of the skin get damaged and the skin gets blackened or tanned. The signs of sunburn show up within thirty minutes of heavy exposure to sun. People, who work in yard, go for fishing or are out in beaches have greater possibility of getting sun burnt.
We all have experienced the symptoms of sunburn at some time or the other. Sunburn can cause much discomfort, but rarely is it fatal. When sunburn acquires fatal dimensions, it is known as sun poisoning. However sunburns can have long term serious effects like skin cancer. Sunburn also leads to premature aging of skin. People staying near the equator, those who are fair skinned and light haired; those with prior skin injury, those with a sensitive skin and those under certain specific antibiotics like doxycycline may get sun burnt easily. It is necessary for one to use sunscreen cream or lotions, umbrella or broad brimmed hats, sunglasses for eyes and wear light colored clothing in order to avoid sunburns.
Symptoms of Sunburn
Home Remedies for Sunburn
Read about Home Remedies for Sunburn. Also know effective Irregular Menstruation Treatment.
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We all have experienced the symptoms of sunburn at some time or the other. Sunburn can cause much discomfort, but rarely is it fatal. When sunburn acquires fatal dimensions, it is known as sun poisoning. However sunburns can have long term serious effects like skin cancer. Sunburn also leads to premature aging of skin. People staying near the equator, those who are fair skinned and light haired; those with prior skin injury, those with a sensitive skin and those under certain specific antibiotics like doxycycline may get sun burnt easily. It is necessary for one to use sunscreen cream or lotions, umbrella or broad brimmed hats, sunglasses for eyes and wear light colored clothing in order to avoid sunburns.
Symptoms of Sunburn
- Skin irritation
- Redness of skin
- Warm and tender to touch
- Painful rashes
- Blisters
- Skin peeling
- Dehydration
- Fever
- Chills
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Flu-like symptoms.
Home Remedies for Sunburn
- Aloe Vera or vinegar may be applied on sunburns to get relief from pain and inflammation.
- Mustard oil may be rubbed on the burnt areas and may be left to dry up. This will take away the heat from the sun burnt areas.
- Rubbing burnt regions with freshly cut cucumber slices can have a soothing effect on skin.
- One may add baking powder to bath water. This treatment will soothe the skin effectively.
- Washing the sun burnt areas with apple cider vinegar can help a lot.
- Application of lavender oil or peppermint oil on the burnt skin would yield good results.
- Application of sandalwood paste on the burnt areas would relieve burning sensation.
- One may mix one part of tomato juice with six parts of butter milk, and apply the mixture on burnt areas. It is to be washed away after 30 minutes. This remedy would heal the burns.
- Ice compress is an easy home remedy for sunburns.
- Epsom salt compress can also relieve symptoms of sunburn.
- Placing grated potato slices on the burns can give relief. The starch in potatoes would restore the skin tissues damaged due to sunburns.
- Herbal bath using chamomile or lavender essential oil in bath water can give relief from pain and itching caused due to sunburn.
Read about Home Remedies for Sunburn. Also know effective Irregular Menstruation Treatment.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Eczema - Causes, Types, and Alternative Treatments
Eczema is also known as dermatitis, or an inflammation of the skin. It is characterized by itching, blisters, red bumps, swelling, oozing, scaling, and crusting. Though eczema is not life threatening, it can be uncomfortable and impact the eczema sufferer and those around the eczema sufferer.
Eczema & Allergies
Eczema occurs more often in people with families histories of hay fever, allergies, asthma. In other cases, eczema may be situational. To avoid further irritation of the skin, wear natural fabrics, nonirritating fibers, avoid irritating substances, excess chemicals, and scented fabric softeners. Look for hypoallergenic, organic, natural fabric detergents and softeners, soaps, shampoos, lotions, and anything else in contact with the skin.
The causes of eczema are hard to determine because it is multifaceted, meaning that it is the visible symptom of deeper problems such as food allergies, leaky gut syndrome, or other conditions. Determining food allergies and removing allergens from the diet are extremely important, as well as changing the diet to prevent flare-ups. Trying alternative treatments and therapies are one way to remain proactive without subjecting the body continually to steroid (hydrocortisone) creams to relieve the itching and antihistamine drugs.
Symptoms of Eczema
Types of Eczema
1. Contact eczema or dermatitis - occurs only where the irritant comes into contact with the skin. irritants such as chemicals, perfumes, exposure to light, etc.
2. Atopic dermatitis or eczema - commonly in families with allergies, hay fever, B12 problems, asthma, and other allergy respiratory problems.
Infants - 2-18 months - red spots on face, scalp, and extremities; weeping, crusty.
Children, adults - localized, chronic. may subside in children aged 3 - 4, recur in adolescence or adulthood.
3. Seborrheic dermatitis or eczema - face, scalp, chest.
4. Nummular dermatitis or eczema - chronic, coin-shaped red spots, crusting, scaling. Occurs after aged 35, associated with emotional stress, and winter dry skin.
5. Chronic eczema - hands or feet, very severe.
6. Generalized eczema - widespread over all the skin.
7. Statis eczema - on the lower legs due to poor blood circulation, skin turns brownish.
8. Localized scratch dermatitis or eczema - darker patches surrounded by whitish areas on the arms, legs, ankles, or genitals. Scratching makes it worse. Frequent for women aged 20-50 years old.
Complications for Eczema
Alternative Treatments for Eczema
Diet for Eczema
Making a conscious effort to change the diet will help to alleviate eczema symptoms. It is recommended to remove food allergies, drink lots of water, avoid the triggers (usually acidic food), and change the diet to 90 - 100% alkaline foods.
Alkalizing the body will help relieve eczema. Certain foods are acid-forming to the body (see list below) and when they are digested, they produce acid which acts like a toxin to the body. The acid circulates throughout the body causing damage to every cell wherever it goes through 60,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries. To protect itself, your body stores the acid into the fat cells, but it cannot store everything. Then calcium and other acid neutralizing nutrients are taken from the body to neutralize the excess acid. This may cause osteoporosis.
If there is still more acid, the body cannot stop it from causing damage to the vital organs or from being leeched through to the skin. This may cause skin problems like itching, dryness, rashes, and eczema. Hence, an alkaline diet is important to health as well as to prevent eczema symptoms.
To monitor pH levels of the body, purchase pH paper from the drug store and test urine, which should be 6.6 - 7.0 pH (7.0 is neutral, not acidic nor alkaline).
Keep a food diary of when and what you ate, followed by how you felt afterwards. Also include any items that touch your skin, such as clothing with fabric softener, lotions, creams, soaps, water even. This will help to identify triggers and prevent flare-ups.
Determine Food Allergies
Nutritional Therapy
Taking a multivitamin that shows good absorption into the body will be helpful for relieving symptoms. Take vitamins with meals. In addition, the following may be helpful.
Chiropractic Care for Eczema
Along with changes in Diet, Nutritional Therapy, and other therapies, chiropractic care may help relieve eczema symptoms and improve overall health. Most importantly, it balances the adrenals, which may be overworked for eczema sufferers.
Cortisol is a natural antihistamine produced by the adrenal glands which is an anti-inflammatory (anti-itching, swelling). For eczema sufferers, the adrenal glands may be overworked, leading to cortisol depletion, and eventually other health problems such as the break down of the cardiovascular, digestive, immune, musculoskeletal systems which will lead to osteoporosis and arthritis. Eczema is not just an itchy skin rash, but can lead to further health problems.
Here are some ways that Chiropractic care can benefit Eczema sufferers:
Additional Therapies for Eczema
These following therapies may be helpful for self-care and home care under professional supervision.
Drink lots of filtered and if available, alkaline water throughout the day.
Get a water filter for the shower.
Shower with cool or warm water, never hot, as this may aggravate eczema.
9:00 am 200ml Berry juice - pure blueberry or cranberry (no sugar)
11:00 am 200ml Herbal tea: dandelion leaf, chamomile, steep together 20 minutes.\
1:00 pm 200ml Carrot juice, fresh squeezed
3:00pm 200ml Carrot juice, fresh squeezed\
5:00pm 200ml Vegetable stock, 200ml Green juice (ie. wheatgrass or nettle)
7:00pm 200ml Berry juice- pure blueberry or cranberry (no sugar)
Rhus tox.
arsen alb.
petroleum & psorinum must be taken alone, not with other therapies
Aloe Vera - fresh plant on eczema for healing
Neem - topical application to eczema
Colloidal oatmeal, virgin coconut oil, shea butter lotion, virgin olive oil
Zinc Oxide also relieves severe itching, but does not cure eczema.
Mix equal parts lemon juice + olive or almond oil and apply on the skin and ingest.
Turmeric poultice may relieve symptoms but will stain the skin yellow.
Eczema Treatment Oils
1. Dry Eczema Treatment Oil Blend
-Melt 10g shea butter
-Add 30ml Thistle Oil, 10ml Borage Oil, 10ml Chickweed Macerated Oil, 10ml Jojoba Oil, 8ml Rosehip oil, 20 ml/g Vitamin E undiluted, 2ml Vitamin A palmitate
-Add 15 drops of any of the following essential oil: lavender, sandalwood, roman or moraccan chamomile, geranium, orange, bergamot.
2. Wet Eczema Oil Treatment Blend
-20ml Borage Oil, 20ml Rosehip, 20ml Jooba, 10ml Thistle, 10ml Chickweed Macerated, 18ml/g Vitamin E undiluted, 2ml Vitamin A palmitate
-Add 15 drops of any of the following essential oil: lavender, sandalwood, roman or moraccan chamomile, geranium, orange, bergamot.
These therapies should be conducted by a qualified health professional:
Article written by Lisa Chau, M.Sc., writer for http://www.Chiropractor.com. Contact her at http://www.LisaChau.com.
Article Source
Eczema & Allergies
Eczema occurs more often in people with families histories of hay fever, allergies, asthma. In other cases, eczema may be situational. To avoid further irritation of the skin, wear natural fabrics, nonirritating fibers, avoid irritating substances, excess chemicals, and scented fabric softeners. Look for hypoallergenic, organic, natural fabric detergents and softeners, soaps, shampoos, lotions, and anything else in contact with the skin.
The causes of eczema are hard to determine because it is multifaceted, meaning that it is the visible symptom of deeper problems such as food allergies, leaky gut syndrome, or other conditions. Determining food allergies and removing allergens from the diet are extremely important, as well as changing the diet to prevent flare-ups. Trying alternative treatments and therapies are one way to remain proactive without subjecting the body continually to steroid (hydrocortisone) creams to relieve the itching and antihistamine drugs.
Symptoms of Eczema
- itching
- blisters
- red bumps
- swelling
- oozing
- scaling
- crusting
Types of Eczema
1. Contact eczema or dermatitis - occurs only where the irritant comes into contact with the skin. irritants such as chemicals, perfumes, exposure to light, etc.
2. Atopic dermatitis or eczema - commonly in families with allergies, hay fever, B12 problems, asthma, and other allergy respiratory problems.
Infants - 2-18 months - red spots on face, scalp, and extremities; weeping, crusty.
Children, adults - localized, chronic. may subside in children aged 3 - 4, recur in adolescence or adulthood.
3. Seborrheic dermatitis or eczema - face, scalp, chest.
4. Nummular dermatitis or eczema - chronic, coin-shaped red spots, crusting, scaling. Occurs after aged 35, associated with emotional stress, and winter dry skin.
5. Chronic eczema - hands or feet, very severe.
6. Generalized eczema - widespread over all the skin.
7. Statis eczema - on the lower legs due to poor blood circulation, skin turns brownish.
8. Localized scratch dermatitis or eczema - darker patches surrounded by whitish areas on the arms, legs, ankles, or genitals. Scratching makes it worse. Frequent for women aged 20-50 years old.
Complications for Eczema
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Allergies, Food Allergies
- Vitamin B deficiencies
- Adrenal fatigue
- Hay fever, Allergies
- Food allergies
- Rosacea
- Seborrheic dermatitis
Alternative Treatments for Eczema
Diet for Eczema
Making a conscious effort to change the diet will help to alleviate eczema symptoms. It is recommended to remove food allergies, drink lots of water, avoid the triggers (usually acidic food), and change the diet to 90 - 100% alkaline foods.
Alkalizing the body will help relieve eczema. Certain foods are acid-forming to the body (see list below) and when they are digested, they produce acid which acts like a toxin to the body. The acid circulates throughout the body causing damage to every cell wherever it goes through 60,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries. To protect itself, your body stores the acid into the fat cells, but it cannot store everything. Then calcium and other acid neutralizing nutrients are taken from the body to neutralize the excess acid. This may cause osteoporosis.
If there is still more acid, the body cannot stop it from causing damage to the vital organs or from being leeched through to the skin. This may cause skin problems like itching, dryness, rashes, and eczema. Hence, an alkaline diet is important to health as well as to prevent eczema symptoms.
To monitor pH levels of the body, purchase pH paper from the drug store and test urine, which should be 6.6 - 7.0 pH (7.0 is neutral, not acidic nor alkaline).
Keep a food diary of when and what you ate, followed by how you felt afterwards. Also include any items that touch your skin, such as clothing with fabric softener, lotions, creams, soaps, water even. This will help to identify triggers and prevent flare-ups.
Determine Food Allergies
- Even without knowing all your food allergies, avoiding all wheat and dairy products such as milk, cheese, etc. will be helpful, since most people have allergies to these.
- Eat green leafy vegetable and fresh fruit, these foods are alkaline and prevent eczema symptoms. Some alkaline foods: Asparagus, Onions, Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Garlic, Lemons, Watermelon, Limes, Dates, Figs, Melons, Grapes, Papaya, Kiwi, Berries, Apples, Pears, Raisins, Olive Oil, Lemon Water, etc.
- Avoid acid-forming foods that will increase symptoms. Avoid acid forming foods: processed food, junk food, refined carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, white sugar, etc, soda, alcohol, coffee, tea, dairy, pizza, candy, cookies, eggs, peanuts, gelatin, meat, fish, chocolate.
- Raw food is best, followed by steamed, boiled. Avoid microwaved, fried, broiled, and baked foods.
- Avoid excessive amounts of citrus and sour items, as it may aggravate itching.
- Drink lots of water throughout the day to flush out toxins from the body that will aggravate symptoms.
- Include essential fatty acids into the diet such as flax, flax seed oil, extra virgin olive and coconut oil.
- For infants, delaying solid foods may be helpful for symptoms, if there is a family history of allergies, hay fever, asthma, food allergies.
Nutritional Therapy
Taking a multivitamin that shows good absorption into the body will be helpful for relieving symptoms. Take vitamins with meals. In addition, the following may be helpful.
- Zinc
- Vitamin E - reduces susceptibility to itching and dryness, is a powerful antioxidant giving protection to skin damage.
- Vitamin A - overdosing can cause skin itching for pregnant women and those with liver problems. Malformations may occur for unborn children.
- Vitamin B complex; B6, especially B12. These vitamins help produce new skin cells and tissue and supports the nervous system, which is important for immunity and proper functioning health. Lowered vitamin B levels results in itchy and flaky skin, and may cause psoriasis.
- Vitamin C - is a powerful antioxidant giving protection to skin damage.
- Vitamin D - low levels may trigger itchiness, weight loss, tiredness
- Magnesium
- Essential fatty acids - occasionally with GLA
Chiropractic Care for Eczema
Along with changes in Diet, Nutritional Therapy, and other therapies, chiropractic care may help relieve eczema symptoms and improve overall health. Most importantly, it balances the adrenals, which may be overworked for eczema sufferers.
Cortisol is a natural antihistamine produced by the adrenal glands which is an anti-inflammatory (anti-itching, swelling). For eczema sufferers, the adrenal glands may be overworked, leading to cortisol depletion, and eventually other health problems such as the break down of the cardiovascular, digestive, immune, musculoskeletal systems which will lead to osteoporosis and arthritis. Eczema is not just an itchy skin rash, but can lead to further health problems.
Here are some ways that Chiropractic care can benefit Eczema sufferers:
- Balances Hormone levels, Adrenals
- Increased Immunity
- Improves Allergies
- Improves Gastrointestinal problems
Additional Therapies for Eczema
These following therapies may be helpful for self-care and home care under professional supervision.
- Bodywork:
- Yoga
- Aromatherapy: chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, geranium, juniper, lavender, melissa, neroli
- Hydrotherapy:
Drink lots of filtered and if available, alkaline water throughout the day.
Get a water filter for the shower.
Shower with cool or warm water, never hot, as this may aggravate eczema.
- Fasting, Juice therapy: black currant, red grapes, carrot, beet, spinach, cucumber, parsley, green juice, wheatgrass
9:00 am 200ml Berry juice - pure blueberry or cranberry (no sugar)
11:00 am 200ml Herbal tea: dandelion leaf, chamomile, steep together 20 minutes.\
1:00 pm 200ml Carrot juice, fresh squeezed
3:00pm 200ml Carrot juice, fresh squeezed\
5:00pm 200ml Vegetable stock, 200ml Green juice (ie. wheatgrass or nettle)
7:00pm 200ml Berry juice- pure blueberry or cranberry (no sugar)
- Homeopathy:
Rhus tox.
arsen alb.
petroleum & psorinum must be taken alone, not with other therapies
- Ayuveda: herbal mixture with kutki 200mg, manjista 300mg, tumeric 200 mg, neem 200mg. One teaspoon 2 times per day after lunch and dinner. Neem - apply externally to skin. No salt, sugar, or yogurt.
- Biofeedback with guided imagery, relaxation
- Reflexology: diaphragm, liver, kidneys, intestines, adrenals, all glands, thyroid
- Topical: evening primrose oil to cracks, sores, especially folds of the elbows, behind the knees, helpful for healing.
Aloe Vera - fresh plant on eczema for healing
Neem - topical application to eczema
Colloidal oatmeal, virgin coconut oil, shea butter lotion, virgin olive oil
Zinc Oxide also relieves severe itching, but does not cure eczema.
Mix equal parts lemon juice + olive or almond oil and apply on the skin and ingest.
Turmeric poultice may relieve symptoms but will stain the skin yellow.
Eczema Treatment Oils
1. Dry Eczema Treatment Oil Blend
-Melt 10g shea butter
-Add 30ml Thistle Oil, 10ml Borage Oil, 10ml Chickweed Macerated Oil, 10ml Jojoba Oil, 8ml Rosehip oil, 20 ml/g Vitamin E undiluted, 2ml Vitamin A palmitate
-Add 15 drops of any of the following essential oil: lavender, sandalwood, roman or moraccan chamomile, geranium, orange, bergamot.
2. Wet Eczema Oil Treatment Blend
-20ml Borage Oil, 20ml Rosehip, 20ml Jooba, 10ml Thistle, 10ml Chickweed Macerated, 18ml/g Vitamin E undiluted, 2ml Vitamin A palmitate
-Add 15 drops of any of the following essential oil: lavender, sandalwood, roman or moraccan chamomile, geranium, orange, bergamot.
- Cleavers, nettle, yellowdock, red clover
- Combine #1 with relaxing herbs like chamomile, linden flowers, skullcap
- Infuse equal parts of cleavers, nettle, chamomile and drink as infusion 3 times per day
- Stronger combination: equal parts tinctures of figwort, burdock, cleavers; take 1 teaspoon 3 times per day
- Itch Relief: lukewarm or cold bathe with chickweed infusion, kelp & bentonite clay, colloidal oatmeal bathes
- External application- goldenseal
- Calendula salve for cracked, dry, painful skin
- Turmeric Tea - itch relief, powerful anti-inflammatory, Camomile tea will calm itching skin and may be used externally by placing leaves over the eczema.
These therapies should be conducted by a qualified health professional:
- Acupuncture
- Environmental Medicine
- Hypnotherapy
- Magnetic Field Therapy
- UV Therapy, laser light therapy
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Orthomolecular Medicine
- Osteopathy
- Detoxification - unless a person is weakened or deficient
- Oxygen Therapy - Hydrogen peroxide therapy IV
- Ionic detox foot bath
Article written by Lisa Chau, M.Sc., writer for http://www.Chiropractor.com. Contact her at http://www.LisaChau.com.
Article Source
Advice On Controlling Your Acne Breakouts
Acne can have a minor form which is common during the teenage years and usually fades away with age and can be easily treated. A more severe form, called cystic acne, can be much more serious. Cystic acne can cause disfiguring dents in the skin which never go away. This article can help you to discover the type of acne you have and what treatment is advised.
If you are an acne sufferer, try not to wash your face excessively. Any more than three times daily, and you run the risk of making the problem worse. Wash your face in warm water, using a mild soap. Gently pat your skin dry. This will prevent the acne-causing bacteria from spreading, lessening future breakouts.
Try not to touch your face as much. Your hands contain oils and your fingers, especially. Extra oil can clog pores on your face and cause pimples. Touching your face might not cause acne, but it can definitely exacerbate it. Try to break any habits that involve resting your head against your hand.
An effective way to cure acne is by taking the supplement Zinc. You should take the appropriate amount daily for best results. It helps to clear up your skin and keep you looking your best. The best dosage is 25 or 50 milligrams, taken three times throughout the day.
To get rid of acne, try not to have anything brush against your face repeatedly. Perhaps your hair cut causes your hair to touch your face and render it greasy. Avoid wearing scarves or hats, too. Do your best to keep your hands away from your face, especially if your hands are dirty.
When it comes to acne, you are the best person in the world to know how your skin behaves. If your skin feels like it is getting oily, you should wash it immediately. If you feel it is becoming too dry, grab a moisturizer and massage gently on your face.
To prevent acne, avoid touching your face with your hands during the day. Hands are rarely sterile so every time you touch your face with them you are transferring dirt and bacteria onto your skin. This dirt can then block pores and the bacteria can infect the clogged pores causing acne outbreaks.
A simple and relatively inexpensive home remedy for acne can be found in baking soda. Baking soda acts as a natural exfoliant by helping to remove dead skin cells. It also cleans and unclogs pores. To use, simply create a paste by combining a little water and baking soda, and wash away after 15 minutes.
One widely known skin care treatment for acne is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera comes from the innards of the aloe vera plant. The gel like substance contains many amino acids and vitamins that are beneficial to skin repair, such as Vitamin E. Simply apply to the skin after regular cleansing and watch the results.
As revealed previously, acne can cause severely disfiguring pits in the skin. In the active phase the skin will have blemishes which can be large and have an angry red color. By following the steps outlined in this article, it can usually be treated and cleared up, although doctor's assistance is recommended in more severe cases.
If you are an acne sufferer, try not to wash your face excessively. Any more than three times daily, and you run the risk of making the problem worse. Wash your face in warm water, using a mild soap. Gently pat your skin dry. This will prevent the acne-causing bacteria from spreading, lessening future breakouts.
Try not to touch your face as much. Your hands contain oils and your fingers, especially. Extra oil can clog pores on your face and cause pimples. Touching your face might not cause acne, but it can definitely exacerbate it. Try to break any habits that involve resting your head against your hand.
An effective way to cure acne is by taking the supplement Zinc. You should take the appropriate amount daily for best results. It helps to clear up your skin and keep you looking your best. The best dosage is 25 or 50 milligrams, taken three times throughout the day.
To get rid of acne, try not to have anything brush against your face repeatedly. Perhaps your hair cut causes your hair to touch your face and render it greasy. Avoid wearing scarves or hats, too. Do your best to keep your hands away from your face, especially if your hands are dirty.
When it comes to acne, you are the best person in the world to know how your skin behaves. If your skin feels like it is getting oily, you should wash it immediately. If you feel it is becoming too dry, grab a moisturizer and massage gently on your face.
To prevent acne, avoid touching your face with your hands during the day. Hands are rarely sterile so every time you touch your face with them you are transferring dirt and bacteria onto your skin. This dirt can then block pores and the bacteria can infect the clogged pores causing acne outbreaks.
A simple and relatively inexpensive home remedy for acne can be found in baking soda. Baking soda acts as a natural exfoliant by helping to remove dead skin cells. It also cleans and unclogs pores. To use, simply create a paste by combining a little water and baking soda, and wash away after 15 minutes.
One widely known skin care treatment for acne is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera comes from the innards of the aloe vera plant. The gel like substance contains many amino acids and vitamins that are beneficial to skin repair, such as Vitamin E. Simply apply to the skin after regular cleansing and watch the results.
As revealed previously, acne can cause severely disfiguring pits in the skin. In the active phase the skin will have blemishes which can be large and have an angry red color. By following the steps outlined in this article, it can usually be treated and cleared up, although doctor's assistance is recommended in more severe cases.
skin health,
skin problems,
skin whitening
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Anemia - Types, Cause, Symptom, Prevention and Treatment
I. Definition
It is hard to believe that America, a country with one of the highest standard living in the world having over 20 million people with the disease of anemia caused by unhealthy diet, and nutritional deficiency with protein and fat intake 30% more than any other country in the world. Most people understand that anemia is caused by iron deficiency in the bloodstream but in reality anemia is characterized by deficiency in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells diminishing the ability of the blood to transport oxygen to our cells and to removing carbon dioxide. In this article, we will discuss types of anemia.
II. Types of anemia
1. Genetically passed through
Anemia is a genetic disease passing through from generation to generation.
a) Thalassmia
i) Thalassmia minor
It is the most common anemia in people of the Mediterranean descent. This is the mild case of anemia. The blood cell is smaller than normal blood cells and easily die off causing stress for the reproduction of new red blood cells because of not enough new blood cells to replace the loss of red blood cells.
ii) Thalassmia major
Thalassmia major is also called Cooley's anemia. It is an inherited disorder that affects the production of normal hemoglobin. Thalassmia major is a deadly disease without frequent blood transfusions, people with this kind of anemia may not survive because of iron building up in heart and other organs, resulting in heart failure.
b) Aplastic anemia
This is one of the most deadly and rarest case of anemia. For whatever reason, the marrow bone that produces red blood cell does not work properly or it may be caused by an auto-immune disorder resulting in white blood cells attacking the bone marrow.
c) Sickle-celled anemia
This is a serious, life-threatening inherited form of anemia that mostly affects people of African ancestry. Sickle cell anemia is formed of hemoglobin deficiency causing red blood cells to become sticky, stiff, and more fragile resulting in the form of a curve and sickle-shape, restricting the circulation of blood in our body.
2. Deficiency of iron anemia
Iron is the most importance mineral in the blood, working together with zinc and copper to help to increase the oxygen level and circulation of our blood to nurture our body's cells and removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream. Iron is a hard to be absorbed mineral, without taking together with vitamin C, most iron in our body are wasted.
3 Deficiency of folate acid and vitamin B12 anemia (pernicious anemia)
Folate acid and vitamin B12 is vital for the reproduction of red blood cells caused by excessive drinking of alcohol and certain intake of certain medication such as oral contraceptive or anticancer drug. People eating only cooked foods have a highest risk of deficiency of folate and vitamin B12 anemia.
4. Chronic blood loss anemia
This type of anemia is resulted from a variety of chronic conditions such as hemorrhoids, cancer, menstruation and peptic ulcers.
5. Hemolytic anemia
In this case, the destruction of old red blood cells exceeds the production of new ones caused by the defective hemoglobin synthesis or trauma within the arteries, or caused by antibodies being produced by the immune system damaging red blood cells.
III. Causes of anemia
1. Hemolysis
Hemolysis is an anemia caused by the breaking down of red blood cells as a result of immune reactions, and toxin and poisons. Treatments are hemodialysis or surgery.
2. Decreased red cell production by the bone marrow
Bone marrow is a soft fatty tissue found inside of the body's bones. If bone marrow becomes defective or malfunctions, it causes an abnormality in the production of any of the mature blood cells resulting in decreased production of red blood cells, or the rapid loss of red blood cells.
3. Blood loss
Blood loss can be as a result of very heavy menstrual periods. Women can become anemic if they ignore the needs of their monthly menstruation because their blood rises and falls in a cyclical fashion. Therefore more blood nutrition is needed to counter the loss of blood during menstruation. Certain health issues may also contribute to iron loss, including chronic bleeding of the gums, hemorrhoids, or ulcer and chronic ulcer.
4. Chronic illness or anemia of inflammation
Anemia of inflammation often closely resembles iron-deficiency anemia caused by high levels of ferritin blocking release of iron in the cells into the bloodstream or high levels of transferin binding onto iron. Resent study shows that inflammation also appears to affect other important elements of iron metabolism because inflammation causes the liver to produce morw hepcidin that blocks the ferropotin to release iron.
5. Cancer therapy
Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy can reduce the production of red blood cells of the bone resulting in less oxygen in the bloodstream being transported to all parts of our body's cells.
6. Excessive alcohol drinking
Alcohol is a stimulant. Excessive alcohol drinking can contribute to vitamin deficiency , anemia, as well as inflammation anemia. It's recommended that men have no more than two drinks a day, and that women limit alcohol intake to one drink daily.
7. Smoking
Smoking causes the depletion of oxygen levels in the bloodstream as well as blocking the absorption of vital nutrients, such as folate acid and vitamin C, raising the risk of vitamin deficiency anemia.
IV. Symptoms of anemia
1. Fatigue
Fatigue is a common symptom of people with anemia which causes less oxygen being transported to the tissues of the body because of low count of red blood cells in bloodstream.
Since the bloodstream cannot provide enough oxygen as well as nutrition to our body tissues, it interferes with normal function of organs resulting in weakness in anemia patients.
3. Fainting and dizziness
Our brain needs protein and fat to function daily. It also needs oxygen to nourish it's cells. Without enough red blood cells to carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from it' s cells, it may cause fainting.
4. Shortness of breath
Since there are never enough oxygen in the bloodstream, it causes the reaction of our lung to breath faster so it can get enough oxygen to our body tissues causing shortness of breath.
5. Heart palpitations
People with anemia have less oxygen in their bloodstream. In order to provide enough oxygen to nourish our body's cells, their heart has to work harder resulting in heart palpitation.
6. Pale complexion
Pale complexion is caused by iron deficiency. Iron is vital for our blood cells reproduction for replacing the break down of the old ones. Deficiency of iron causes low red blood cells in the bloodstream resulting in a pale color in our skin.
7. Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty concentrating caused by iron deficiency causes less production of new red blood cells to replace the breaking down of the old ones resulting in less oxygen being delivered to certain regions of the brain cells making concentration difficulty.
8. Excess menstruation
Excess menstruation is characterized by loss of abnormal quantities of blood during menstruation. It is caused by iron deficiency anemia in women as a resulting of massive breaking down of old red blood cells.
V. Prevention and treatment
A. With Vitamins and Minerals
1. Iron
Iron is essential for people with anemia. It aids the reproduction of red blood cells as well as improve the transportation of oxygen and nutrition to the body's cell, and removing carbon dioxide from our bloodstream. Since iron is hard to absorb, it is recommended to take the liquid form over the dry form and be sure to take with some vitamin C or most of the iron will be wasted because of poor intestinal absorption. If you are a nursing mother, be sure to check your blood for iron, otherwise iron deficiency will cause iron deficiency to the baby.
2. Copper and zinc
Copper and zinc may not be vital in treating people with anemia, but they are needed in helping our body to absorb iron. With out the balancing of iron, copper and zinc most of the iron's effects will be wasted. Be sure to talk to your doctor for the right amount of iron, zinc and copper before taking any of the above metal. They are toxic if overdosed.
3 Vitamin K
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. It plays an important role to the people with anemia by helping blood clot properly after an injury, which is vital for people with anemia caused by excessive blood loss such as women in childbirth and during menstruation.
4. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to improve the immune system fighting against the invasion of bacteria and virus. Because of poor reproduction and circulation of blood for people with anemia, strengthening the immune system becomes vital. Vitamin C also helps to improve the absorption of iron otherwise most iron intake may be wasted.
5. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is essential for people with pernicious anemia ( vitamin B12 deficiency anemia).
Vitamin b12 deficiency is mostly caused by inadequate absorption, poor diet and medication side effects resulting in large immature and dysfunctional red blood cells thereby decreasing the red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels.
6. Folic acid
Folic acid is in the B vitamin family. It is necessary for the formation and maturation of red blood cells. Folic acid deficiency is caused mostly by poor diet, inadequate body absorption and for people eating only cook foods, resulting in less red blood cell count in the bloodstream or folic acid deficiency anemia.
B. With Supplements
DHEA is the shortened name of dehydroepiandrosterone. It is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps to reduce the level of cytokine inflammation which damages the forming of protein from red blood cells.
2. Spirulina
Spirulina is rich in iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 which are essential for people with anemia.
It also contains high amounts of vitamin C helping the absorption of iron and strengthening the immune system. Spirulina not only increases the oxygen level in the blood, it also helps to remove carbon dioxide from our cells that are vital for people with nutritional deficiency anemia.
3. Lactoferrin
Lactoferrin enhances iron absorption, and protects our body from the negative and oxidative effects of excess iron. It can decrease or eliminate the side effects of nausea and constipation caused by iron supplementation. It also has beneficial effects in regulating the immune system,and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial antiviral and antioxidant effects. Study shows that lactoferrin increases the absorption and utilization of iron, and would be useful in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
4. Bee pollen
Bee pollen contains high amounts of protein, B-complex vitamins and folic acid that are vital supplements for anemia patients. It also is believed to improve the digestive process and improve levels of hemoglobin in some anemic patients. It has been used in Chinese medicine for over thousands of years in treating many kinds of chronic illnesses as well as longevity.
5. Hydrochloric acid
For people with megaloblastic anemia due to deficiency of the intrinsic factor such as poor iron and supplement absorption, then intake of hydrochloric acid is necessary. Hydrochloric acid helps the stomach lining to absorb and transport protein to the tissues of the body.
C. With Herbs
1. Dandelion roots
The Dandelion is a biennial plant and grows wild in most of the world. Dandelion contains high levels of iron and B vitamin complex. It has been used in Chinese medication over many generations in treating anemia due to deficiencies of folic acid, iron, and vitamin B12 by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid resulting in better nutritional absorption.
2. Gentian roots
Gentian root has been used for centuries in Europe in treating digestive disorders. The bitter qualities of gentian helps to stimulate the digestive system, making iron and other nutrients easier to be absorbed.
3. Yellow dock
Yellow dock is used in herbal remedies to treat constipation and other digestive issues. It contains high amounts of iron and bioflavonoids. Besides helping to strengthen the capillaries it also helps to enhance our digestive system in absorption of protein, iron and other nutritions that is vital for people with nutritional deficiency anemia.
4. Blackstrap molasses
Blackstrap molasses is the dark liquid byproduct of the process of refining sugar cane into table sugar. Blackstrap molasses contains high amounts of iron and copper that are essential for iron utilization resulting in reproduction of red blood cells as well as circulation of blood that are vital for anemic patients.
5. Alfalfa
Alfalfa contains high amounts of vitamin K which is helpful to promote normal blood clotting and prevent the loss of blood for women with excessive flow in menstruation.
6. Burdock root
Burdock root has long been used to fortify and cleanse the blood. It contains high amounts of iron which is vital for anemia. It also helps to increase the levels of hemoglobin that is diminished for people with anemia.
7. Nettle leaves
Nettle has been used for centuries in treating wounds, and slowing down bleeding and menstrual bleeding. It acts like vitamin K by reducing the excessive flow of blood in menstruation. It also contains high amounts of iron and is said to stimulate the production of hemoglobin.
D. With Chinese herbs
1. Chinese wild yam
Chinese wild yam has the same property of DHEA and acts as a precursor to human sex hormones. extract of Chinese wild yam has been used to treat painful menstruation, hot flashes, and other symptoms due to menstruation. In fact, it also help to reduce the level of pro inflammation cytokines.
2. Cinnamon bark
Cinnamon bark has been historically used as a digestive aid and to promote blood purifier. Cinnamon contains high amount of antioxidants that help to strengthen the immune system function that is vital for people with anemia who use to have a weaken immune system caused by low level of oxygen in the blood.
3. Dang Shen (Codonopsis)
Dang shen has been used in Chinese medicine for more than a century in strengthening immune system against bacteria and virus. It also is a blood enhancer. Dang shen has been used in Chinese medicine as blood purifier as well promoting the production of red blood cells and improving energy.
4. Fu Ling (Poria)
Fu ling is said to cotains the substance that helps to increase the secretion of DHEA, a steriod hormone that helps to deduce the levels of pro inflammation cytokines.
5. Sheng Jiang (Ginger)
Sheng jiang is one of oldest Chinese medicine in promoting of blood circulation, increasing oxyen levels in the bloodstream as well as aiding in the immune system fighting against any inflammation caused by bacteria and virus in oure body. Sheng fiang is a blood thinner, do not take shemg jiang if you have ulcer or take any blood thinner medication.
6. Lu Rong (Hairy Antler)
Lu rong is one of most expensive herb in chinese medicine. Lu rong is a blood tonner. It not only help to increase the production of red blood cell but also help to purify your blood. Lu rong has been used over thousand years in Chinese medicine in treating anemia.
7. Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica Roots)
Dang qui is a blood purifier. It has been used widely for women after perioa or loss of blood during child birth or other chronic illness. It is said that dang qui not only stimulate the bone marrow in production of blood and red blood cells to replace the blood loss but also to reduce painful menstruation, hot flashes, and other symptoms due to menstruation.
I hope this information will help, if you need more information of the above subject please follow my series of the above subject at my home page at:
Kyle J. Norton
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact.
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990
Article Source
It is hard to believe that America, a country with one of the highest standard living in the world having over 20 million people with the disease of anemia caused by unhealthy diet, and nutritional deficiency with protein and fat intake 30% more than any other country in the world. Most people understand that anemia is caused by iron deficiency in the bloodstream but in reality anemia is characterized by deficiency in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells diminishing the ability of the blood to transport oxygen to our cells and to removing carbon dioxide. In this article, we will discuss types of anemia.
II. Types of anemia
1. Genetically passed through
Anemia is a genetic disease passing through from generation to generation.
a) Thalassmia
i) Thalassmia minor
It is the most common anemia in people of the Mediterranean descent. This is the mild case of anemia. The blood cell is smaller than normal blood cells and easily die off causing stress for the reproduction of new red blood cells because of not enough new blood cells to replace the loss of red blood cells.
ii) Thalassmia major
Thalassmia major is also called Cooley's anemia. It is an inherited disorder that affects the production of normal hemoglobin. Thalassmia major is a deadly disease without frequent blood transfusions, people with this kind of anemia may not survive because of iron building up in heart and other organs, resulting in heart failure.
b) Aplastic anemia
This is one of the most deadly and rarest case of anemia. For whatever reason, the marrow bone that produces red blood cell does not work properly or it may be caused by an auto-immune disorder resulting in white blood cells attacking the bone marrow.
c) Sickle-celled anemia
This is a serious, life-threatening inherited form of anemia that mostly affects people of African ancestry. Sickle cell anemia is formed of hemoglobin deficiency causing red blood cells to become sticky, stiff, and more fragile resulting in the form of a curve and sickle-shape, restricting the circulation of blood in our body.
2. Deficiency of iron anemia
Iron is the most importance mineral in the blood, working together with zinc and copper to help to increase the oxygen level and circulation of our blood to nurture our body's cells and removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream. Iron is a hard to be absorbed mineral, without taking together with vitamin C, most iron in our body are wasted.
3 Deficiency of folate acid and vitamin B12 anemia (pernicious anemia)
Folate acid and vitamin B12 is vital for the reproduction of red blood cells caused by excessive drinking of alcohol and certain intake of certain medication such as oral contraceptive or anticancer drug. People eating only cooked foods have a highest risk of deficiency of folate and vitamin B12 anemia.
4. Chronic blood loss anemia
This type of anemia is resulted from a variety of chronic conditions such as hemorrhoids, cancer, menstruation and peptic ulcers.
5. Hemolytic anemia
In this case, the destruction of old red blood cells exceeds the production of new ones caused by the defective hemoglobin synthesis or trauma within the arteries, or caused by antibodies being produced by the immune system damaging red blood cells.
III. Causes of anemia
1. Hemolysis
Hemolysis is an anemia caused by the breaking down of red blood cells as a result of immune reactions, and toxin and poisons. Treatments are hemodialysis or surgery.
2. Decreased red cell production by the bone marrow
Bone marrow is a soft fatty tissue found inside of the body's bones. If bone marrow becomes defective or malfunctions, it causes an abnormality in the production of any of the mature blood cells resulting in decreased production of red blood cells, or the rapid loss of red blood cells.
3. Blood loss
Blood loss can be as a result of very heavy menstrual periods. Women can become anemic if they ignore the needs of their monthly menstruation because their blood rises and falls in a cyclical fashion. Therefore more blood nutrition is needed to counter the loss of blood during menstruation. Certain health issues may also contribute to iron loss, including chronic bleeding of the gums, hemorrhoids, or ulcer and chronic ulcer.
4. Chronic illness or anemia of inflammation
Anemia of inflammation often closely resembles iron-deficiency anemia caused by high levels of ferritin blocking release of iron in the cells into the bloodstream or high levels of transferin binding onto iron. Resent study shows that inflammation also appears to affect other important elements of iron metabolism because inflammation causes the liver to produce morw hepcidin that blocks the ferropotin to release iron.
5. Cancer therapy
Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy can reduce the production of red blood cells of the bone resulting in less oxygen in the bloodstream being transported to all parts of our body's cells.
6. Excessive alcohol drinking
Alcohol is a stimulant. Excessive alcohol drinking can contribute to vitamin deficiency , anemia, as well as inflammation anemia. It's recommended that men have no more than two drinks a day, and that women limit alcohol intake to one drink daily.
7. Smoking
Smoking causes the depletion of oxygen levels in the bloodstream as well as blocking the absorption of vital nutrients, such as folate acid and vitamin C, raising the risk of vitamin deficiency anemia.
IV. Symptoms of anemia
1. Fatigue
Fatigue is a common symptom of people with anemia which causes less oxygen being transported to the tissues of the body because of low count of red blood cells in bloodstream.
Since the bloodstream cannot provide enough oxygen as well as nutrition to our body tissues, it interferes with normal function of organs resulting in weakness in anemia patients.
3. Fainting and dizziness
Our brain needs protein and fat to function daily. It also needs oxygen to nourish it's cells. Without enough red blood cells to carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from it' s cells, it may cause fainting.
4. Shortness of breath
Since there are never enough oxygen in the bloodstream, it causes the reaction of our lung to breath faster so it can get enough oxygen to our body tissues causing shortness of breath.
5. Heart palpitations
People with anemia have less oxygen in their bloodstream. In order to provide enough oxygen to nourish our body's cells, their heart has to work harder resulting in heart palpitation.
6. Pale complexion
Pale complexion is caused by iron deficiency. Iron is vital for our blood cells reproduction for replacing the break down of the old ones. Deficiency of iron causes low red blood cells in the bloodstream resulting in a pale color in our skin.
7. Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty concentrating caused by iron deficiency causes less production of new red blood cells to replace the breaking down of the old ones resulting in less oxygen being delivered to certain regions of the brain cells making concentration difficulty.
8. Excess menstruation
V. Prevention and treatment
A. With Vitamins and Minerals
1. Iron
Iron is essential for people with anemia. It aids the reproduction of red blood cells as well as improve the transportation of oxygen and nutrition to the body's cell, and removing carbon dioxide from our bloodstream. Since iron is hard to absorb, it is recommended to take the liquid form over the dry form and be sure to take with some vitamin C or most of the iron will be wasted because of poor intestinal absorption. If you are a nursing mother, be sure to check your blood for iron, otherwise iron deficiency will cause iron deficiency to the baby.
2. Copper and zinc
Copper and zinc may not be vital in treating people with anemia, but they are needed in helping our body to absorb iron. With out the balancing of iron, copper and zinc most of the iron's effects will be wasted. Be sure to talk to your doctor for the right amount of iron, zinc and copper before taking any of the above metal. They are toxic if overdosed.
3 Vitamin K
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. It plays an important role to the people with anemia by helping blood clot properly after an injury, which is vital for people with anemia caused by excessive blood loss such as women in childbirth and during menstruation.
4. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to improve the immune system fighting against the invasion of bacteria and virus. Because of poor reproduction and circulation of blood for people with anemia, strengthening the immune system becomes vital. Vitamin C also helps to improve the absorption of iron otherwise most iron intake may be wasted.
5. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is essential for people with pernicious anemia ( vitamin B12 deficiency anemia).
Vitamin b12 deficiency is mostly caused by inadequate absorption, poor diet and medication side effects resulting in large immature and dysfunctional red blood cells thereby decreasing the red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels.
6. Folic acid
Folic acid is in the B vitamin family. It is necessary for the formation and maturation of red blood cells. Folic acid deficiency is caused mostly by poor diet, inadequate body absorption and for people eating only cook foods, resulting in less red blood cell count in the bloodstream or folic acid deficiency anemia.
B. With Supplements
DHEA is the shortened name of dehydroepiandrosterone. It is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps to reduce the level of cytokine inflammation which damages the forming of protein from red blood cells.
2. Spirulina
Spirulina is rich in iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 which are essential for people with anemia.
It also contains high amounts of vitamin C helping the absorption of iron and strengthening the immune system. Spirulina not only increases the oxygen level in the blood, it also helps to remove carbon dioxide from our cells that are vital for people with nutritional deficiency anemia.
3. Lactoferrin
Lactoferrin enhances iron absorption, and protects our body from the negative and oxidative effects of excess iron. It can decrease or eliminate the side effects of nausea and constipation caused by iron supplementation. It also has beneficial effects in regulating the immune system,and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial antiviral and antioxidant effects. Study shows that lactoferrin increases the absorption and utilization of iron, and would be useful in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
4. Bee pollen
Bee pollen contains high amounts of protein, B-complex vitamins and folic acid that are vital supplements for anemia patients. It also is believed to improve the digestive process and improve levels of hemoglobin in some anemic patients. It has been used in Chinese medicine for over thousands of years in treating many kinds of chronic illnesses as well as longevity.
5. Hydrochloric acid
For people with megaloblastic anemia due to deficiency of the intrinsic factor such as poor iron and supplement absorption, then intake of hydrochloric acid is necessary. Hydrochloric acid helps the stomach lining to absorb and transport protein to the tissues of the body.
C. With Herbs
1. Dandelion roots
The Dandelion is a biennial plant and grows wild in most of the world. Dandelion contains high levels of iron and B vitamin complex. It has been used in Chinese medication over many generations in treating anemia due to deficiencies of folic acid, iron, and vitamin B12 by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid resulting in better nutritional absorption.
2. Gentian roots
Gentian root has been used for centuries in Europe in treating digestive disorders. The bitter qualities of gentian helps to stimulate the digestive system, making iron and other nutrients easier to be absorbed.
3. Yellow dock
Yellow dock is used in herbal remedies to treat constipation and other digestive issues. It contains high amounts of iron and bioflavonoids. Besides helping to strengthen the capillaries it also helps to enhance our digestive system in absorption of protein, iron and other nutritions that is vital for people with nutritional deficiency anemia.
4. Blackstrap molasses
Blackstrap molasses is the dark liquid byproduct of the process of refining sugar cane into table sugar. Blackstrap molasses contains high amounts of iron and copper that are essential for iron utilization resulting in reproduction of red blood cells as well as circulation of blood that are vital for anemic patients.
5. Alfalfa
Alfalfa contains high amounts of vitamin K which is helpful to promote normal blood clotting and prevent the loss of blood for women with excessive flow in menstruation.
6. Burdock root
Burdock root has long been used to fortify and cleanse the blood. It contains high amounts of iron which is vital for anemia. It also helps to increase the levels of hemoglobin that is diminished for people with anemia.
7. Nettle leaves
Nettle has been used for centuries in treating wounds, and slowing down bleeding and menstrual bleeding. It acts like vitamin K by reducing the excessive flow of blood in menstruation. It also contains high amounts of iron and is said to stimulate the production of hemoglobin.
D. With Chinese herbs
1. Chinese wild yam
Chinese wild yam has the same property of DHEA and acts as a precursor to human sex hormones. extract of Chinese wild yam has been used to treat painful menstruation, hot flashes, and other symptoms due to menstruation. In fact, it also help to reduce the level of pro inflammation cytokines.
2. Cinnamon bark
Cinnamon bark has been historically used as a digestive aid and to promote blood purifier. Cinnamon contains high amount of antioxidants that help to strengthen the immune system function that is vital for people with anemia who use to have a weaken immune system caused by low level of oxygen in the blood.
3. Dang Shen (Codonopsis)
Dang shen has been used in Chinese medicine for more than a century in strengthening immune system against bacteria and virus. It also is a blood enhancer. Dang shen has been used in Chinese medicine as blood purifier as well promoting the production of red blood cells and improving energy.
4. Fu Ling (Poria)
Fu ling is said to cotains the substance that helps to increase the secretion of DHEA, a steriod hormone that helps to deduce the levels of pro inflammation cytokines.
5. Sheng Jiang (Ginger)
Sheng jiang is one of oldest Chinese medicine in promoting of blood circulation, increasing oxyen levels in the bloodstream as well as aiding in the immune system fighting against any inflammation caused by bacteria and virus in oure body. Sheng fiang is a blood thinner, do not take shemg jiang if you have ulcer or take any blood thinner medication.
6. Lu Rong (Hairy Antler)
Lu rong is one of most expensive herb in chinese medicine. Lu rong is a blood tonner. It not only help to increase the production of red blood cell but also help to purify your blood. Lu rong has been used over thousand years in Chinese medicine in treating anemia.
7. Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica Roots)
Dang qui is a blood purifier. It has been used widely for women after perioa or loss of blood during child birth or other chronic illness. It is said that dang qui not only stimulate the bone marrow in production of blood and red blood cells to replace the blood loss but also to reduce painful menstruation, hot flashes, and other symptoms due to menstruation.
I hope this information will help, if you need more information of the above subject please follow my series of the above subject at my home page at:
Kyle J. Norton
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact.
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990
Article Source
Friday, June 24, 2016
Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt
Before the advent of modern medicine, our ancestors used salts such as Himalayan crystal salts for centuries to heal themselves. Himalayan salt is a pink salt which can be found in the Himalayan Mountains, hence the name.
Research have shown that this one of a kind pink salt contains about eighty four minerals required to sustain human life. So it is really not surprising to know that Himalayan salt has been used since the ancient times to alleviate the symptoms of a variety of health conditions. Interested to know more about the health benefits of Himalayan crystal salt? Well then let me share to you some of them.
1. It aids in treating various skin disorders such as acne. Himalayan salt works by drawing out toxins inside the skin. The toxins that are in the body and under the skin can be one of the major causes of skin problems such as acne. These days, you can buy Himalayan salt in the form of a bar and use it to wash your face. You can also dissolve it in lukewarm water and use it as a facial wash.
2. It helps treat halitosis and other oral problems. Add some Himalayan crystal salt to water and let it dissolve. Use it as a gargle to cure oral problems from sore and bleeding gums to bad breath to infected tooth.
3. It helps detoxify the body. Himalayan crystal salt can be used as a bath soak to draw out toxins from the body. They say its trace minerals and negative ions penetrate the skin which produces a cleansing and detoxifying effect. To make a crystal salt bath, dissolve about two pounds of Himalayan salt to a tub then fill it with lukewarm water. Soak in the water for at least thirty minutes.
4. Himalayan salt can help regulate the water in our bodies. It also helps promote a strong PH balance in the cells, particularly in our brain cells. You can consume this natural salt in different ways. You can consume it as a mineral water by dissolving it in water and drinking it, or you can also replace your regular table salt with Himalayan salt and use it for cooking.
5. Ironic as it may sound, drinking water with Himalayan salt every day can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism and even prevent kidney and bladder stones from forming.
6. When used as facial steam, it can help lower the incidence of sinus problems. It can also help alleviate the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and other nose and throat discomforts.
Go organic today for your healthier future. Jem's Natural Living offers a wide assortment of eco friendly home products, organic baby products, and natural health products.
Article Source
Research have shown that this one of a kind pink salt contains about eighty four minerals required to sustain human life. So it is really not surprising to know that Himalayan salt has been used since the ancient times to alleviate the symptoms of a variety of health conditions. Interested to know more about the health benefits of Himalayan crystal salt? Well then let me share to you some of them.
1. It aids in treating various skin disorders such as acne. Himalayan salt works by drawing out toxins inside the skin. The toxins that are in the body and under the skin can be one of the major causes of skin problems such as acne. These days, you can buy Himalayan salt in the form of a bar and use it to wash your face. You can also dissolve it in lukewarm water and use it as a facial wash.
2. It helps treat halitosis and other oral problems. Add some Himalayan crystal salt to water and let it dissolve. Use it as a gargle to cure oral problems from sore and bleeding gums to bad breath to infected tooth.
3. It helps detoxify the body. Himalayan crystal salt can be used as a bath soak to draw out toxins from the body. They say its trace minerals and negative ions penetrate the skin which produces a cleansing and detoxifying effect. To make a crystal salt bath, dissolve about two pounds of Himalayan salt to a tub then fill it with lukewarm water. Soak in the water for at least thirty minutes.
4. Himalayan salt can help regulate the water in our bodies. It also helps promote a strong PH balance in the cells, particularly in our brain cells. You can consume this natural salt in different ways. You can consume it as a mineral water by dissolving it in water and drinking it, or you can also replace your regular table salt with Himalayan salt and use it for cooking.
5. Ironic as it may sound, drinking water with Himalayan salt every day can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism and even prevent kidney and bladder stones from forming.
6. When used as facial steam, it can help lower the incidence of sinus problems. It can also help alleviate the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and other nose and throat discomforts.
Go organic today for your healthier future. Jem's Natural Living offers a wide assortment of eco friendly home products, organic baby products, and natural health products.
Article Source
Himalayan Salt
The Healing Properties of Crystals and Gemstones
You may find it hard to believe, but crystals and minerals DO actually have healing properties. Although the science is not well understood, there is plenty of people, cultures, and history that advocate the use of particular crystals and gems for particular uses. Allow me to explain the basics.
Have you ever slept with a crystal under your pillow? Try it using amethyst or malachite and you will notice an obvious affect on your dreams. Open up to the idea that crystals can help heal your mental, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual state. Once you do, you will have a new hope and a new method for practical self-improvement through crystal healing.
Most Americans these days only believe in proven science. Well, everything IS science, but only some of it has been proven. Take our thoughts for an example. We all have thoughts, but we still can't read them or prove them with scientific instruments. Here we get the "gray area" of Metaphysics. So, to believe in Crystals that Heal, you must understand that Metaphysics is science not yet proven. We still don't have sensitive enough equipment to measure the higher activities of crystals and minerals. Plus, we're not looking for it.
How do crystals heal, then? By subtly altering our Vibrational patterns. Have you ever seen Dr. Emoto's water experiments? Science has proven that all matter is actually energy and all energy vibrates. Science has also proven that thoughts, prayers, and other surprising things can alter those energy vibrations. Crystals hold a vibrational pattern that affects the frequencies and vibrations of water as well as those of people (and their bio-electro-magnetic field.)
Different crystals and minerals hold different Vibrational patterns, so by utilizing different gemstones, you can affect different parts of your physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual anatomy. The longer you are exposed to a particular type of crystal, the more it can have an impact on you, as your vibrational patterns naturally align with the crystal's vibrational patterns.
Understanding that the vibrations of minerals and gemstones are about as fine as those of thoughts and emotions, is easy to see why believing in the Healing Power of Crystals would increase their potency. And so does wearing or holding a crystal right up against the skin or ingesting a Gemstone Elixir (where you are drinking water that has had a crystal soaking in it - thereby altering the waters molecular structure just as thoughts alter water molecules in the Dr. Emoto Research.) The length of time that a person is in contact with a crystal is also a factor in how much impact the crystal will have.
If you are skeptical that crystals and gems may really promote healing and wellness, then please do some of your own research. The use of gemstone in healing is mentioned in the Bible as well as in the Best-Selling Book, "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yoganada. And volumes can be "Googled" on this subject via the World Wide Web.
To learn more about the affects of crystals and minerals on the mind, body, and spirit, check out this PDF Chart at: [http://www.naturalmysticsonline.com/] The Healing Properties of Crystals and Gemstones.pdf The informative guide offers the main healing uses of many popular crystals and minerals and shows which gemstones open or balance which Chakras.
Natural Mystics [http://www.crystal-bead-jewelry.com/] provides Fun and Fascinating Information about Crystals and Gemstones through Newsletters and Articles as well as links to valuable website resources. Shop our User-Friendly site for Amazing Crystal Bead Jewelry & Healing Gemstone Jewelry. Order Custom Jewelry handmade with Real Crystals and Gemstones and get a free photo guide indicating the crystals and healing properties used in your particular jewelry. Our website and our necklaces are Refreshingly Original...definitely a Must See!
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Have you ever slept with a crystal under your pillow? Try it using amethyst or malachite and you will notice an obvious affect on your dreams. Open up to the idea that crystals can help heal your mental, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual state. Once you do, you will have a new hope and a new method for practical self-improvement through crystal healing.
Most Americans these days only believe in proven science. Well, everything IS science, but only some of it has been proven. Take our thoughts for an example. We all have thoughts, but we still can't read them or prove them with scientific instruments. Here we get the "gray area" of Metaphysics. So, to believe in Crystals that Heal, you must understand that Metaphysics is science not yet proven. We still don't have sensitive enough equipment to measure the higher activities of crystals and minerals. Plus, we're not looking for it.
How do crystals heal, then? By subtly altering our Vibrational patterns. Have you ever seen Dr. Emoto's water experiments? Science has proven that all matter is actually energy and all energy vibrates. Science has also proven that thoughts, prayers, and other surprising things can alter those energy vibrations. Crystals hold a vibrational pattern that affects the frequencies and vibrations of water as well as those of people (and their bio-electro-magnetic field.)
Different crystals and minerals hold different Vibrational patterns, so by utilizing different gemstones, you can affect different parts of your physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual anatomy. The longer you are exposed to a particular type of crystal, the more it can have an impact on you, as your vibrational patterns naturally align with the crystal's vibrational patterns.
Understanding that the vibrations of minerals and gemstones are about as fine as those of thoughts and emotions, is easy to see why believing in the Healing Power of Crystals would increase their potency. And so does wearing or holding a crystal right up against the skin or ingesting a Gemstone Elixir (where you are drinking water that has had a crystal soaking in it - thereby altering the waters molecular structure just as thoughts alter water molecules in the Dr. Emoto Research.) The length of time that a person is in contact with a crystal is also a factor in how much impact the crystal will have.
If you are skeptical that crystals and gems may really promote healing and wellness, then please do some of your own research. The use of gemstone in healing is mentioned in the Bible as well as in the Best-Selling Book, "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yoganada. And volumes can be "Googled" on this subject via the World Wide Web.
To learn more about the affects of crystals and minerals on the mind, body, and spirit, check out this PDF Chart at: [http://www.naturalmysticsonline.com/] The Healing Properties of Crystals and Gemstones.pdf The informative guide offers the main healing uses of many popular crystals and minerals and shows which gemstones open or balance which Chakras.
Natural Mystics [http://www.crystal-bead-jewelry.com/] provides Fun and Fascinating Information about Crystals and Gemstones through Newsletters and Articles as well as links to valuable website resources. Shop our User-Friendly site for Amazing Crystal Bead Jewelry & Healing Gemstone Jewelry. Order Custom Jewelry handmade with Real Crystals and Gemstones and get a free photo guide indicating the crystals and healing properties used in your particular jewelry. Our website and our necklaces are Refreshingly Original...definitely a Must See!
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Important Medical Considerations to Veganism
There are so many different dietary habits that you can pick out. There are also tons of different nutritional considerations that need to be taken into account as well. If you have ever tried to determine if a Vegan lifestyle is healthy you have no doubt wondered how you will get all of your nutrients. This is a common complication for many people but it is not impossible to adopt a Vegan lifestyle. You do need to be very careful though, especially in the beginning until the lifestyle becomes second nature to you so that you do not make a mistake of not consuming the proper nutrients.
What many people do not readily realize is that it is extremely important to get the best impact possible for your diet. If you are trying out a new diet then it is extremely important that you take some time to really determine what potential downfalls you might meet. For example, if you are turning to a Vegan lifestyle you are omitting all meat products from your diet. This will typically leave you with an extremely large lacking of several key nutrients. The biggest that you will be missing out on typically is protein. This is not impossible, but you can still come up with a solution by being fully aware of the problem and looking for additional sources of protein that are acceptable.
Other problems that people encounter when moving to a Vegan lifestyle is the lack of calcium as well as Vitamin D in their diet. Because there is no milk from cows consumed which is a very large source of calcium as well as yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. It is extremely important to ensure that you look for a multi-vitamin that will help you to replace the calcium that you are missing as well as look for foods that will help you to pick up some additional calcium as well.
It is very important that you consider all of the foods that you are purchasing. If you have the option of purchasing any items that are fortified with additional nutrients, it will be very important for your diet. These foods might cost a bit of additional money, but they will help to protect your health while you are learning how to eat a proper Vegan diet while still getting all of the nutrients that you need. If you try to miss out on some of the vital nutrients, it can cause fatigue as well as put you at risk for some serious health problems.
Many times, it is also a good idea to speak to your doctor before switching to a new diet to ensure that there are no special considerations you should take into account before you begin. A quick visit to the doctor is quite beneficial to ensure that you are healthy and making proper choices for your diet as well. Taking a risk with your health is never a wise idea and can lead to some significant problems, but if you are careful and do check with a doctor you will be in a much better position to start a Vegan lifestyle.
It is extremely important to track what you are eating and the nutritional content for the foods as well. This information will be extremely helpful when it is time to determine if you are getting all of the nutrients that you need. This will also allow you to quickly and easily determine any deficiencies that you have as well as start looking for ways to fix them before any serious health problems do develop. A small notebook will usually serve well to track your foods and still be small enough to carry with you. Just be absolutely certain that you are consuming a wide variety of foods in order to get the widest variety of nutrients possible. Waiting until you are experiencing some serious health problems will typically find you suffering extreme problems that could have been avoided.
What many people do not readily realize is that it is extremely important to get the best impact possible for your diet. If you are trying out a new diet then it is extremely important that you take some time to really determine what potential downfalls you might meet. For example, if you are turning to a Vegan lifestyle you are omitting all meat products from your diet. This will typically leave you with an extremely large lacking of several key nutrients. The biggest that you will be missing out on typically is protein. This is not impossible, but you can still come up with a solution by being fully aware of the problem and looking for additional sources of protein that are acceptable.
Other problems that people encounter when moving to a Vegan lifestyle is the lack of calcium as well as Vitamin D in their diet. Because there is no milk from cows consumed which is a very large source of calcium as well as yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. It is extremely important to ensure that you look for a multi-vitamin that will help you to replace the calcium that you are missing as well as look for foods that will help you to pick up some additional calcium as well.
It is very important that you consider all of the foods that you are purchasing. If you have the option of purchasing any items that are fortified with additional nutrients, it will be very important for your diet. These foods might cost a bit of additional money, but they will help to protect your health while you are learning how to eat a proper Vegan diet while still getting all of the nutrients that you need. If you try to miss out on some of the vital nutrients, it can cause fatigue as well as put you at risk for some serious health problems.
Many times, it is also a good idea to speak to your doctor before switching to a new diet to ensure that there are no special considerations you should take into account before you begin. A quick visit to the doctor is quite beneficial to ensure that you are healthy and making proper choices for your diet as well. Taking a risk with your health is never a wise idea and can lead to some significant problems, but if you are careful and do check with a doctor you will be in a much better position to start a Vegan lifestyle.
It is extremely important to track what you are eating and the nutritional content for the foods as well. This information will be extremely helpful when it is time to determine if you are getting all of the nutrients that you need. This will also allow you to quickly and easily determine any deficiencies that you have as well as start looking for ways to fix them before any serious health problems do develop. A small notebook will usually serve well to track your foods and still be small enough to carry with you. Just be absolutely certain that you are consuming a wide variety of foods in order to get the widest variety of nutrients possible. Waiting until you are experiencing some serious health problems will typically find you suffering extreme problems that could have been avoided.
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