Monday, June 6, 2016


Learn how to replace the toxic products and medications in your home with over 215 healthier, all-natural alternatives.

“I am so thankful that you put this book together. It has helped tremendously for my family. I read the list of ailments that would be discussed in the book before the purchase. My family & I have gone through nearly every one of those. And what was amazing in a very weird way is that my son had an ear infection & I got sick. So I read your earache regime & within a few days of applying the oils my son’s symptoms were lessened enough to drive. Yes it was that bad. He had a football game to play that week and he insisted that he play. He was able to get his equilibrium back to normal as well as the pain by game day. In addition, I had felt a cold coming on. I immediately took the hot water & lemon remedy. 

Wow! I couldn’t believe that I could get better so quickly. I am a true believer of the power of essential oils. And I just signed up as a distributer & just received my order right before all this happened. But I was not given any pamphlets or books on how to use them. Your information truly helped me and inspired me to tell others about home remedies. Also, I’d like to mention that your homemade ginger ale (my husband has a soda stream-I have access to sparkling water at all time) has truly saved me money & my stomach issues.

This book is truly amazing. I’ve told my friends that are essential oils distributors as well as my friends in the massage field & they are all looking forward to the coconut oil book as well as the Home Remedies book. My mom & grandmother have an herb garden & they are excited about reading your Herb book. There is definitely loads of information for everyone of all ages & stages of life. Thank you Everyday Roots.Katherine TerrellArticle Source