Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Collagen Injections

Collagen is a liquid protein that is extracted from cowhide.
Collagen treatments are where this protein is infected into the skin with the intention of filling in wrinkles.

It is often used to reduce the appearance of lines from the nose to the upper lip and between the lower lip and the chin.

It is also injected into the lips to give them a fuller plumper look; however you are unlikely to look like Angelina Jolie from collagen injections to the lips.

The treatment is very fast and only lasts about 15 minutes but the results are only temporary, although they can last up to 6 months for some people.

Collagen injections are used more often these days for the treatment of skin irregularities such as scars, marks and indentations that have been caused by problems such as acne.

Collagen is more effective when it is injected into areas of the face where there are fewer muscles and less likelihood of muscles movement.

As some people can have an allergic reaction to collagen an allergy test is usually performed before collagen is injected into the face.

This test is usually done with a small injection of the liquid into the patients arm and if there is no reaction in the form of a rash or redness after a couple of weeks it is generally safe to use on other parts of the body.

When performed by a trained professional, collagen treatments can give a very natural looking result and this combined with the convenience of the treatments and the relatively economical cost is reason enough for many people to consider this as their preferred method of skin treatment.

More people now seem to prefer the use of Botox to reduce their wrinkles and for many it presents fewer problems than collagen treatments.