Saturday, August 20, 2016

Is Cellulite a Sign of Poor Health?

Many people look in the mirror and see cellulite, and assume that means they are overweight and out of shape. But this is not necessarily true. While cellulite can be unsightly, and healthy measures such as diet and exercise can help, cellulite is not necessarily a sign that your health is poor. 

The cause of cellulite is debatable. A poor diet is said to contribute to the formation of cellulite, particularly consuming unhealthy fats such as saturated fats. Some sources claim it results from a build-up of toxins in the fat layer just under the skin. These toxins are said to sabotage the suppleness of the skin and fat layer, causing pits and bumps that hold these toxins. 

Others claim cellulite has to do with poor lymphatic drainage or lack of circulation. Still other sources point to heredity as the primary cause. Hormones may also play a role. Heredity and hormones may be the causes best represented by clinical evidence. 

Depending on which school of thought you adopt, you could consider cellulite a sign that something is amiss with your health, whether it's circulatory health, poor diet, or hormone imbalances. 

When Cellulite May Indicate Poor Health

Sometimes, cellulite does indicate poor health, and this is when cellulite results from excess body weight. Of course it is not healthy to weigh too much; cellulite is simply a manifestation of excess weight in some people. However, some people who are not overweight have cellulite, and some overweight people do not have it; so, once again, cellulite does not automatically mean you are too fat.

When Cellulite Is Probably Just Cosmetic

For many, cellulite is primarily a cosmetic issue. It's important not to get discouraged and think you're "too fat" if you have a healthy lifestyle and still have cellulite. Even some teenagers who are not overweight have cellulite, and some older people who are quite overweight have smooth skin!  

Getting Healthy 

Perhaps cellulite is best considered a sign that you could improve your health. After all, adopting a healthy lifestyle may be the key to reducing cellulite's appearance. And if you adopt healthy measures such as exercise, healthy diet, and so forth and still have cellulite, then you know it's not a sign of poor health on your body. At that point, you might try something like massage or a cellulite cream to boost your efforts at reducing cellulite.