Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cleaning Your Face

You'd think that we would all know how to clean our face; after all we do it every day.
During the course of our daily routines we get a build up of many different impurities on our face that can clog the pores and give us a washed out complexion.

These impurities come from grime, makeup, sunscreen, excess sebum and many other sources.
Some of these are a result of the area we live in and others are a result of the way we live.
Many of us touch our face throughout the day and many impurities that are on our hands get transferred to our face each time we touch it.

We can be in the habit of leaning on our chin at the office or even touching between our eyebrows with the end of a finger as we adjust our sunglasses.

All these actions can lead to a build up of dirt that can block our pores. For these reasons it is important that we cleanse our skin, and washing it at least twice a day is essential to keep the skin clean and healthy and allow it to breathe.

You will need to get a skin cleanser that suits your skin, as some of them can be too harsh for people with sensitive skin. It is best to test samples of skin cleansers after checking that you have selected a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. 

Look at the label of the cleanser and see whether it is recommended for sensitive skin or if it is more suitable for oilier skin types.

Sensitive skin is often drier and a cleanser for oily skin will be too harsh and could cause a reaction.

By using a suitable cleanser each night you will be washing the impurities that have built up during the day from your pores.This will allow you to sleep with a clean pillow in the night and not allow built up grime to create more problems for your skin.

Yoga - An Ancient Cure for Modern Illness

It is amazing to think that one of the oldest forms of mind and body conditioning that has been used for thousands of years is the most effective method of relieving the stress and ailments of modern civilization.

Yoga, the Hindu discipline that has been around for over 3000 years is more effective, along with mediation than anything else that has been developed and created during the last few thousand years. 

Western society is embracing the yoga teachings in ever growing numbers as more people are starting to realize that there are big problems with the balance of their lifestyle and they are starting to find that the pleasures that they have been chasing in the form of more and more material possessions isn't delivering the fulfillment that they desire.

The effort that is put into keeping pace with modern expectations is also taking it's toll on health and that in turn makes it all the more difficult to get the best out of life.

Yoga is the answer and as more people adopt it the word is spreading of the benefits that people are seeing is short periods of time.

People begin to change their expectations and change their goals to those that will  deliver more of what they are really after and that is to enjoy life to the fullest for as long as possible.

By relieving stress, boosting energy and creating a better level of health, people who have adopted yoga into their lifestyle are finally starting to realize the dreams that have so far eluded them.

The harmony that yoga can bring to a busy household makes for happier families and many of the modern afflictions, addictions and bad habits are easily offloaded when the body and mind become balanced with one another.

The convenience and affordability of yoga also makes it accessible to almost everyone in some form or another and it is trendy too which seems to be an added benefit for many people.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Alternative Dental Health

Last month, I had my first dental check up in 18 months and I wanted to record my experience - a lot has changed in the last 18 months, in terms of my lifestyle and diet. So here is a report on my current dental health - the dental health of a person whose life has changed considerably for the better.

When I went for my last dental check up, I was smoking 20 cigarettes as day, I was drinking sugar filled white wine, 6-8 pints of coffee a day, I was eating sweet sugary processed foods constantly and I ate lots of jelly sweets. Like all good people though, I brushed my teeth twice a day and swilled with mouthwash - this is enough right?

How Was My Dental Health 18 Months Ago

When I visited the dentist for a check up 18 months ago, the visit resulted in me having a filling because a cavity had worsened and needed refilling, I needed a scale and polish because my teeth were brown (from nicotine and copious amounts of coffee), tartar had collected around all of my teeth and the dentist was considering capping another tooth. Not good right? There is no hiding your lifestyle from a dentist - she knew I smoked, she knew that I was drinking more alcohol than I should have been, she knew about my coffee habit and about my addiction to sugar!! I was shocked. The toothpaste I was using, was the same toothpaste that is widely available worldwide in all supermarkets, and I didn't always buy the most expensive toothpaste either.

It was just after this visit, that I was told by my physician that I was heading for a fatal heart attack unless my lifestyle improved and when I met my health mentor and began my journey into organic life.

What Changed?

Those who don't know my story, might be wondering what I changed in order to impact on my dental health.

• I quit smoking - something that I was worried about doing, as when my first wife's mother stopped smoking her teeth crumbled, leaving her with dentures at the age of 40. My teeth were fine

• I stopped drinking tea and coffee, substituting it for hot water with lemon and ginger. Lemon can help to neutralize the naturally occurring acids in your mouth that cause tooth decay. To have healthy teeth, you need a neutral pH in your mouth - it should be between 6.5 and 7.5 - this is done by eating the correct foods and drinking the correct drinks. I check the pH in my mouth weekly, as it is a good indicator of overall health - papers can be purchased for next to nothing on the internet - and a healthy pH in the mouth means healthy teeth!

• I stopped eating sweets, junk food and processed foods and using refined sugars (sucrose) which meant that I was getting no refined sugars at all in contact with my teeth - these are one of the main causes of tooth decay

• I started eating natural, organic, fresh, whole foods 80-90% of the time - these contain fructose, a naturally occurring sugar that is processed completely differently by the body and does not rot your teeth (despite the popular misconception that the natural sugar in fruits is just as bad as the refined sugar that is in sweets or that you put in your drinks, or which makes up 50% of a can of soda!!) Also eating some of these raw will work towards neutralizing plaque acid and cleansing the surface of the teeth

• I began making my very own toothpaste something that the Egyptians and Aztecs did thousands of years ago and indigenous tribes still do - this is made of just 4 ingredients and is inexpensive to make - sodium bicarbonate, salt, mineral water and peppermint essential oil which is optional. Sodium bicarbonate and salt act to neutralize acid in your mouth some more. This is a gritty paste which works really well to whiten the teeth and clean off any build up of tartar. We also use an organic flouride free aloe toothpaste, which is commercially available and contains no chemicals.The toothpastes most people use contain:

- flouride (contrary to popular belief, this is not good for the body - it is actually a poisonous chemical that was a toxic waste from the production of fertilizers and such like - you only have to do a small amount of research to find out the facts about flouride and they are scary!);

- abrasives which include aluminum (linked to Alzheimer's) and silicon and are known at times to be so abrasive that they damage tooth enamel; detergents the main one being sodium lauryl sulfate which has been linked to many diseases;

- humectants - chemicals to stop your toothpaste from drying out, such as glyceril (if my toothpaste dries out then I just add more spring water!!);

- thickeners such as carageenan (a known carcinogenic);

- preservatives which stop bacteria growing in your toothpaste the main ones being parabens which are known to mimic the effects of estrogen and have been linked to breast cancer - if kept in an air tight container, then my toothpaste will not grow bacteria;

- sweeteners - saccharine is generally used, but it also has a small effect on increasing the likelihood of cavities;

- flavoring - necessary to cover up the taste of the detergents, toothpaste would taste horrible without them - the flavoring in my toothpaste is optional, it tastes fine without it;

- coloring - E numbers, to make your toothpaste blue or green or white - toothpaste would look disgusting without these

Weird isn't it that something that is so simple and cheap to make for yourself contains so many ingredients, some to counteract the effects of other ingredients and others which damage your overall physical health. If they do this to your body, imagine what they are doing to your dental health - as we saw, some of the abrasives used can destroy the enamel on your teeth. Our abrasive is Himalayan salt, a natural substance that dissolves in water.

• The final thing that changed was, for the month before my checkup, I was doing our cinnamon and honey road test so was drinking a couple of mugs of cinnamon and honey in hot water per day. This has been used (I discovered when I started the road test) for thousands of years by indigenous people for freshening breath and maintaining oral hygiene and dental health

What Was The Result Of My Latest Checkup

My dentist did a lot of "Mmmm" ing and "Aah" ing as she poked around my mouth. She then asked me what I was doing differently - as I said, you can't get anything past them! So I 'fessed up - I told her everything that I have listed above, including telling her that for the most part I use my own homemade toothpaste. Her reaction was "Wow!" one of a shaking head and disbelief. She then told me that my teeth were in "better condition than ever before", they were "the healthiest she had ever seen them" and that my gums were no longer receding and were coming back up the teeth. Tartar build up was virtually non-existent! Vindication that what I am doing is working and that my overall dental health has IMPROVED since I changed my lifestyle.

Still going to use your regular toothpaste?

Many thanks for reading. I hope this article has given you something to think about with regard to your health.

For more articles like this visit

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Ashiatsu Therapy - Soothing and Rejuvenating

Ashiatsu is a form of bodywork that mostly utilizes foot pressure on the body of the patient to reach a sense of total relaxation. Although this type of therapy is known for using the foot as primary tool in treating the client, it also includes various techniques of elbows, knees and hand manipulations on certain areas of the body.

The history of ashiatsu can be traced in Japan in the lineage and tradition of Macrobiotic which was developed by Shizuko Yamamoto. Also known as Shizuko Yamamoto's barefoot; it uses specific techniques to balance the energy system of the client to attain good health and healing. This type of therapy also implies the traditional Chinese medicine in its treatment with the use of dietary patterns, herbal medicines and forms of meditation on the patient. Ashiatsu was later on developed by Ruthie Hardee as a form of relaxing massage therapy.

Ashiatsu is used on the patient's body to unblock clogged pathways where the life force flows throughout the body. The main objective of this therapy is to work on the various body meridians with the use of the foot and hands. The end result of this manipulation is the balancing of the energy within the body which is believed to hold the key to a good health.

This technique utilizes both shiatsu and Swedish massage therapy which are known for calming the body and removing body pains. Shiatsu is a Japanese style of massage therapy that focuses on applying pressure on the deep tissue of the body while Swedish massage works best for delivering soothing strokes for calming the whole body. This combination is good for removing back pain, neck pain and other muscle pains as well as for comforting the physical and mental condition of the client.

When maintained regularly, the patient can expect:

Improved Immune System - ashiatsu is effective in boosting the immunity of the body in order to fight off and prevent disease.
Improve Circulation - the combined techniques of acupressure, shiatsu and Swedish massage helps a lot in giving the body a good flow of blood and oxygen which maintain good body condition. This is great for preventing medical conditions such as high blood pressure and respiratory problems.
Relaxed Muscles - adhesions within the patient's body are removed during sessions of ashiatsu. Muscles are relaxed due to the release of tensions on stiff muscle areas that are formed due to stress and overuse.
Total Body Relaxation - this is definitely one of the primary goal of ashiatsu therapy. The combination of various therapies results to this wonderful effect in the body.
Improves the Mood - the soft massage strokes stimulates the nervous system of the patient's body during the therapy which in return contributes to the improvement of the mood of the client.

Ashiatsu can be enjoyed on massage spas not only for treatment but as a form of pleasure. When searching for a therapist, see to it that he or she is licensed and that you are comfortable with the massage therapist.

I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone massage kit supplies provider. They carry products such as massage stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

3 Home Remedies For Strep Throat

Who does not have an experience of being affected by the painful and itchy Strep throat? Most a time we run to the doctor to get an antibiotic prescribed against it and the symptoms will start subsiding within a day or two. But do know that you don't always need to take an antibiotic to get the infection cured. There are a number of home remedies that can relieve it and take care of the problems associated with it.

Almost everyone you meet will be ready to give you their suggestion on how to treat your strep throat, leaving you more confused as to what to try on yourself. But remember, though there are a hundred and one strep throat remedy out there, not all of them are very effective and most just provide momentary relief.

Here let's see the best three home remedy that indeed works for Strep throat and has helped many before you. But first let's know what infection actually is and what causes it.

What is Strep Throat?

Strep Throat sometimes mistaken to be Sore throat is actually a bacterial infection of the throat caused by Streptococcus pyogenes or the A group Streptococcus. It is so very common that almost everyone might have got hit by it a number of times when young and some of you might be having it even now, to be searching on the internet for the remedies.

Strep infection of the throat is usually associated with swelling at the back of your throat, white spots at the back of the throat, pain while swallowing, inflamed tonsils and loss of appetite (please don't get it mixed up with sore throat which shows similar symptoms).

Preferring Home Remedies for Strep Throat

Home remedies against Strep throat do work wonders if used properly and the good things about these remedies are; the items for the treatment can be easily found at your kitchen cabinet and they cause no side effects at all. These home remedies can also be used in combination with the prescribed medicines if the infection has advanced further.

Here are three home remedies you can try at home the next time you are infected and believe me; you will be amazed by the results.
1.      Yes you Knew it; the salt water Gargle

Gargling slightly warm salt water as most of us know can relieve the discomfort and itchiness caused by the Strep throat. Salt can take out the fluid from the swelling in your throat and also kill the bacteria which cause the infection thus helping you to get rid of the infection faster. Adding a few drops of lemon juice to the 'magical portion' can also help. Gargling also flushes out the toxins and the bacteria near the throat, so some even recommend plain water gargling. So gargle at least three times a day and find your way out of the infection.

2.      The sweet home remedy for Strep throat

Honey has been proven way to relieve strep throat; mix a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of ginger liquid and take it three times a day and see how fast it soothes your problem. You can even sip in lime juice sweetened with honey or warm water with honey and lime to get rid of the inflammation and infection caused by those little bad bacteria.

3.      Sip in some sage Tea

Sage is known for its anti inflammatory and antibacterial property and sipping in sage tea can give you an instant relief from the irritation and pain caused from the Strep infection. Boil the sage leaves and fennel seeds in water for a few minutes and take the preparation as tea to get rid of the strep throat. You can also make sage leaf gargle by adding a teaspoon of cedar vinegar into your sage tea mix.

So try these out at the first sign of strep throat infection and get cured in just two or three days.

Effective Stomach Pain Remedies and Cure

The term stomach pain refers to pain in any area between chest and the groin. The area above pelvic bone and under rib cage is commonly known as stomach. Pain can arise anywhere in this area when there is some problem with the natural function of internal organs. Stomach ache is mild in most of cases but it could be chronic and severe in many cases. Both men and women have to suffer from stomach ache every now and then. When pain is frequent and acute, it might be due to some serious medical condition.

There are some common disorders that can cause stomach pain. Constipation and indigestion are most common disorders that can awaken stomach ache. Stomach digests the food with the help of certain acids and enzymes. A damaged stomach lining will cause pain while dealing with stomach acids. Formation of excessive gas may dilate the liver or the internal lining of stomach. This dilation is unnatural and it can cause pain in the stomach. However, there are some more serious problems for rising stomach ache. Ulcer, appendicitis, kidney stones, hernia and infection in urinary tract can lead to stomach pain. In such conditions, when pain is chronic and acute, consultation of physician is recommended for proper diagnosis of any serious problem. There are some stomach pain remedies mentioned below to treat the problem effectively.

1. To ease stomach cramps, mix fennel with peppermint tea and drink it.

2. Take some basil leaves with 3 tablespoon of curd and mix them thoroughly. Pinch a little black pepper and add salt to taste. Have this mixture when stomach pain disturbs your routine.

3. Grind ginger to a paste, with the help of grinding stone. Apply this paste on belly and massage with firm pressure to work out its juice. This massage is very effective, especially in the case of children.

4. When pain occurs due to heavy meals, use this remedy for quick relief. Prepare a mixture by adding juice of one lemon with juice of one whole radish and drink it. It will stimulate the digestion and it will prevent from stomach aches caused by indigestion.

5. Prepare a mixture with two teaspoons of juice of lemon mixed with one teaspoon of juice of ginger. Add some sugar to taste. Drink this mixture for relief from almost any kind of stomach ache.

6. Prepare a paste by crushing three grams of tender tamarind leaves. Add one gram of rock salt; it will partially turn the paste into liquid. Have it for a quick relief from pain.

There are some precautions for preventing stomach aches. Drink at least 10 glasses of water in the duration of 24 hours. Water smoothes the bowel movements and it will prevent from constipation. Include green vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet. Develop habit of taking small walks after dinner. Avoid going to bed right after having meals. In order to keep digestive system healthy, light exercises and regular morning walks are important. Quit smoking and prefer not to drink alcoholic beverages. These precautions are not only helpful in preventing stomach pain, but also for healthy life.

Read more Home Remedies for Stomach Ache. Also know effective Home Remedies for Anemia.

Turmeric… Helps Fight Diabetes

It’s no exaggeration to state that diabetes is a colossal health epidemic in the United States.

In their 2014 National Report, the CDC estimates that 29.1 million people have diabetes, which represents an alarming 9.3% of the US population.

The unfortunate truth is that you don’t even need to be gorging yourself on sugar and processed junk food to be at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. Many cases occur in healthy individuals who have simply worn away their pancreas’s insulin sensitivity with years of slight overconsumption of insulin-spiking foods and beverages.

You could already be pre-diabetic without even knowing it. Symptoms include fatigue, erratic energy levels, high blood pressure, and accumulated belly fat.

The good news is that, despite the frightening rate at which Type 2 diabetes is spreading, it is easily preventable and reversible.

It all starts with keeping a clean, healthy diet that’s high in healthy fats and vegetables, and low in insulin-spiking foods like fruit, bread and grains, and sugary treats.

While everyone’s optimal dietary needs will differ slightly, there’s one spice that anyone looking to prevent or reverse diabetes should integrate into their diet on a daily basis — turmeric.

This incredible root is a true diabetes-fighting superstar; recent studies have shown that turmeric extract is effective at helping fight Type 2 diabetes.

Research has shown that turmeric does reduce many of the inflammatory signals known to be overactive in diabetes and improves the action of disrupted insulin-response pathways.

Turmeric has been show to be strongly anti-inflammatory...

Turmeric’s potency has compared favorably to anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical drugs… except without the side effects.

But not all forms of turmeric are created equal…

Most of the turmeric supplements you see in stores come in the form of encapsulated powders. The truth is with turmeric powder you may be getting very little actual benefit.

Turmeric powder has a fairly low bioavailability (meaning that a good portion of it isn’t properly absorbed by your body), it often isn’t very fresh, and it’s sometimes made with harsh processes that can destroy or degrade turmeric’s healthful components.

Because turmeric is hard to absorb, it must be formulated in a certain way allowing the body to absorb and utilize its entire spectrum of nutrients.

There's another NEW form of turmeric that actually tastes amazing AND is easy to absorb...

TurmericPuraTHRIVE Organic Turmeric Extract is an outstanding full-spectrum extract that’s “liposomalized”—meaning it’s specifically blended to make the turmeric bind to phosphlipids (fats) that increase its bioavailability 10 to 20 times!

This formulation takes all that raw turmeric has to offer and presents it in a format that your body LOVES to consume.

==> Give this truly revolutionary product a try… you won’t believe how quickly you feel its effects. Once you do, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make turmeric a part of your daily life a long time ago.

Turmeric - the "Perfect Painkiller"- Fights Inflammation

Turmeric has been proven to reduce or eliminate pain better than leading prescription medications.

A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene found that components of turmeric were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen and diclofenac, to name a few. The reason is because turmeric doesn’t just fight pain and inflammation, it does so much more.

How can one little root do so much?

Most researchers agree that the turmeric’s profound healing abilities can be traced to its powerful anti-inflammatory actionFull-spectrum turmeric (as opposed to an isolated curcumin extract) is especially effective because it operates by both mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action.

Most inflammatory foods, working in one of the following ways...

1. They neutralize inflammation causing free radicals in the body with a flood of antioxidants or

2. They stop the body from producing the chemicals that initiate inflammation in the first place (this is how aspirin and OTC pain meds work)

What is unique about turmeric is that it combats inflammation through both of these mechanisms.... simultaneously! Its multi-pronged approach allows it to work wonders for aches, pains, and arthritis (by stopping inflammation at the source), while also strongly supporting the immune system with antioxidants.

And because nearly all diseases and ailments can be traced back to inflammation and oxidative stress…it seem like there’s almost nothing that turmeric can’t heal.

But not all forms of turmeric are created equal…

Most of the turmeric supplements you see in stores come in the form of encapsulated powders. The truth is with turmeric powder you may be getting very little actual benefit.

Turmeric powder has a fairly low bioavailability (meaning that a good portion of it isn’t properly absorbed by your body), it often isn’t very fresh, and it’s sometimes made with harsh processes that can destroy or degrade turmeric’s healthful components.

Because turmeric is hard to absorb, it must be formulated in a certain way allowing the body to absorb and utilize its entire spectrum of nutrients.

There's another NEW form of turmeric that actually tastes amazing AND is easy to absorb...

TurmericPuraTHRIVE Organic Turmeric Extract is an outstanding full-spectrum extract that’s “liposomalized”—meaning it’s specifically blended to make the turmeric bind to phosphlipids (fats) that increase its bioavailability 10 to 20 times!

This formulation takes all that raw turmeric has to offer and presents it in a format that your body LOVES to consume.

==> Give this truly revolutionary product a try… you won’t believe how quickly you feel its effects. Once you do, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make turmeric a part of your daily life a long time ago.

1. Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of Curcuminoids in Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Pain Med. 2015 Dec 14. Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 26814259
2. Green Med Info:
3. Zingiberaceae extracts for pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis: Nutr J. 2015 ;14:50. Epub 2015 May 14. PMID: 25972154

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sleep Paralysis: Home Remedies

Sleep paralysis is a very common sleep disorder. I myself have experienced it many times, so I know how scary it is. I have tried so many pieces of advices from different doctors, but most of them were ineffective. Recently I tried something that has relieved me of this daunting problem, so I thought I should share it with you people. But first, let's see what sleep paralysis is.

Sleep paralysis is a condition in which a person remains aware while the body shuts down for Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the deep most stage of sleep in which one usually dreams. It occurs either when falling asleep, or when awakening. When it occurs upon falling asleep, the person remains aware while the body shuts down for REM sleep, and it is called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis. When it occurs upon awakening, the person becomes aware before the REM cycle is complete, and it is called hypnopompic or postdormital. The person is unable to perform movements of the limbs. The individual may also experience paralysis of skeletal muscle which could be complete or partial. It usually last from several seconds to several minutes. In severe cases it may last for hours. It is not a complete paralysis, as studies show the eye movement is possible in it.

Apart from paralysis the person may experience increased heartbeat. It may also be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations, such as feeling of mysterious and horrifying creatures in the room, or something sitting on the subject's chest.

To look for its cure one should first try to understand its causes. Major causes of sleep paralysis include Migraine and Narcolepsy, a condition in which an individual experiences sudden periods of sleep during daytime hours. Sleep paralysis may also be hereditary. In addition to these, following may trigger sleep paralysis:

* Sleeping in a face upward position.

* Stress and anxiety.

* Sudden change in lifestyle.

* Excessive use of alcohol.

* Disruption in sleep cycles.

It is obvious that by reducing stress, relaxing and having a complete sleep are the ways to control sleep paralysis, but how can one avoid stress? How can one relax and sleep when there is a fear of sleep paralysis?

It is through Aromatherapy, and in this case you don't really have to go to a professional aroma therapist and ask for help. In fact you, yourself are the therapist. Try to figure out the fragrances and smell that calm and relax you. It may be the fragrance of a flower, a perfume or may be food. Just before you go to sleep have a whiff of that fragrance, or keep it at your bedside table. You can also help yourself unwind by adding essential oils or herbal tea to you bath water in the evening. Lavender, chamomile, frankincense, neroli, and rose oils are recommended. It will relax your mind and thus you will be able to overcome stress. Try not to think of your problems and stress during bed time, as it will harm the effect of aromatherapy.

For those people who experience sleep paralysis due to migraine, I will suggest they should use chamomile (a flower) tea. Add 2 to 3 teaspoons per cup. Dissolve and boil in any liquid (preferably water) 10 to 20 minutes. Use in up to three cups daily.

 Free Sleep Guide

Some other general precautions to avoid sleep paralysis are:

* Avoid sleeping in a face upward position.

* Exercise regularly.

* Avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, especially before bed time.

* Try to remove the fear of sleep paralysis. Tell yourself that it is not really a harmful thing and that you won't die of it.

* Try to live happy, avoid tensions.

I have tried all this and it really works. I hope that this article will help you fight this bloodcurdling disorder out.

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Anxiety Attacks

If you have had or know of anyone who has had anxiety attacks then you will understand just how badly this affects the freedom to cope with something as simple as everyday life.

The fear of something happening is often so powerful that people become confined to their own homes unable to venture out in public.

Medication is often a choice that people will make to help them cope but some of these very same medications can create anxiety too. People take sleeping tablets to help them to sleep without knowing that one of the common side effects of sleeping tablets is increased anxiety.

Obviously a natural alternative will be a better option unless you consider some of the herbal products that are on the market as many of these can have a reaction with some people.

Yoga on the other hand is a natural solution to the problem that is more effective than all else and has absolutely no side effects.

Besides that it is free to do, it can be done in the privacy of your own home and it is not something that you need to 'come off' after it has achieved the desired result. Quite to the contrary where most people who start yoga continue to use what they have learned for the rest of their life in one form or another.

When people constantly suffer from anxiety attacks and start to withdraw into themselves they get a distorted outlook on life and will tend to look at most things in a negative light.

By bringing about a balance in the mind there is no room for these negative thoughts and as a person becomes more positive they also recover confidence and that in turn helps them to venture out and become more active.

Inactivity is a concern with elderly people in particular and is responsible for increased levels of stress and frustration. This often leads them to resort to alternatives such as alcohol to 'help' cope when in fact these solutions do quite the opposite.

Yoga is certainly the best solution minimizing anxiety attacks.

Chemical Bleaching Creams vs. Natural Skin Whitening Recipes

There has been a time when products made up in laboratories were considered to be the best products on the market. This was mainly because a large share of population believed that those products represent the highest standard that a product could reach. However, time has proved that products made in laboratories are not faultless and that in many case the chemical substances used for their preparation were doing more harm than actually helping people. Thus, a large share of people has turned their faces towards nature and natural ingredients in the hope of finding an alternative to chemical products.

Skin whitening is one of those fields which enjoy these two alternatives: chemical bleaching creams and natural skin whitening recipes. But which of these solutions is best for the skin? Let’s make a simple comparison of the two types of skin whitening treatments! Once you have some information about each of them you will be able to answer the above question all by yourselves.

The first thing that comes to every person’s mind when thinking about choosing one or the other product is its effectiveness. Everyone wants to choose that alternative which will get them rid of black spots and darkened skin forever. Here probably both types of treatments are equally good as this is what they have been created for. Sometimes, there are cases in which the combination of natural ingredients has the same active substance as the chemical cream.

Second on the list of features a skin whitening product should have is safety. Unfortunately here there are some products which do not respect this feature. Chemical bleaching products have been reported to have side effects on different types of people. Most affected are pregnant women and people with sensitive skin. Because most of the ingredients are obtained in the laboratory, they can have quite a damaging effect on the human skin. 

Skin Whitening Foreverâ„¢

The risk of allergies is even bigger as there are few people who have been testing these substances before. In case of the natural, homemade products, the risk of side effects is reduced to minimum, as most ingredients are used in cooking or are eaten as such. Also, because they can be made by the patient itself, the risk of allergies is completely removed, as people usually know what they are allergic to.

Last criterion of evaluation is the price. Whereas the price in the case of the chemical bleaching products varies according to the substances used, the producer or the brand selling it, the natural products have a rather small and fixed price, as all the ingredients are currently used in the kitchen.

Apart from these, the natural products are freshly prepared by the patient and can be used immediately after preparation for a more intense ingredients’ action. They are simple to make and apply and can be used for a longer period of time.

Try some of the natural skin whitening recipes from here. You will see how the skin will become whiter and the brown spots will vanish in just a matter of weeks, without too much effort or any side effects. Beauty is now cheaper for those who want to get rid of hyperpigmentation!

Natural Skin Whitening Treatments

Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy skin that will glow all day long. Yet, most of the times the skin betrays us, leaving everyone to see our age as well as the hardships we had to face along the time. The skin tells everyone if there is any disease hidden inside or if the body is just not functioning right. At the same the skin is the first line of defense against external factors, thus bruises, rashes or sunburns appear more or less often on it. This is why it is highly important to know how we can take care of our skin so that it remains fresh, clean and healthy all the time.

There are many chemical products claiming to successfully manage to keep the skin in good condition regardless of the external or internal factors which may influence the way the skin looks. While this may be true, these products are either too expensive or have some hidden side effects which may further damage the layers of skin. The only products which are capable of offering great treatment and protection for the skin are the products made home from natural products.

Skin Whitening Foreverâ„¢

Dark skin and brown spots have always been a problem for a large share of the population. No matter of the color of the skin, these spots are anesthetic and can really damage one’s self esteem. This is why they must be removed in an effective manner, without affecting the layers of skin or causing any side effects. While the laser technology and the bleaching creams may be some alternatives which can be taken into consideration, the natural recipes made with natural ingredients in your own home are by far the best solution for a spotless and radiant skin.

Apart from being sure that these creams, ointments or products are fresh (because you make them all by yourself), you can also be sure that they do not have any preservatives, colorants or perfumes which may cause allergies or side effects. Also, because you know the ingredients you mix in the recipes, you can be sure that there is no substance to which you are allergic, so that you will not further damage your skin. Last, but not least, the power of these natural ingredients in fighting the dark spots and patches is quite great, so that there are great chances that you get rid of brown spots in no more than a few weeks.

Find out which these natural ingredients are by reading ''Skin Whitening Forever''. You will find there information about skin color, but also the best ingredients and some very effective recipes which will help you get rid of dark patches and brown spots forever.

This is perfectly suited to treat Uneven pigmentation such as Melasma, Chloasma, Solar Lentigenes, Freckles, Age Spots, Acne Marks, Dark Underarms and other Hyperpigmentation problems. It can also be used as a general skin whitener as well - for the colored individuals that want to look "Whiter". Click here to learn more.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Miraculous Aloe Vera

Aloe, aloe everywhere, for your skin and for your hair, take a little for your tummy or rub some on your gums if they feel funny.

While the Aloe Vera plant has been aiding humankind for centuries already, it has not been until recently that it has experienced a revival of sorts within the modern medical community. Many proponents of this green succulent of the lily family claim that Aloe Vera is a miracle plant with hundred if not thousands of health related uses. 

Skeptics claim that it is all hype and that many of Aloe Vera’s “cures” are just placebo effects. Lets us take a little look at a few of the many “miraculous” properties of Aloe Vera plant to find out what the real deal is with this spiky green plant. 

First of all, the inner gel of the Aloe Vera contains mucilaginous polysaccharides, which are important building blocks that the human body needs. When applied to the skin these MSP’s aid in skin cell rejuvenation and when taken orally, these long chain sugars help settle the stomach as well as aid in everything from indigestion to irritable bowel syndrome. 

The gel also contains many important vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin E and calcium that are essential to the body if you choose to ingest it. Also, as if that is not enough, the gel also contains anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that can aid in keeping cuts from getting infected when used as a balm.  And, if you are still not sold on the stuff, Aloe Vera Gel also contains certain enzymes that can aid in digestion.

Many Aloe Gel proponents suggest ingesting a filleted section of the Aloe’s lance like leaf at least once a day to help improve your digestive functions as well as benefit from the cornucopia of nutrients that is contained within. Skeptics of the plant do not deny that the Aloe gel contains beneficial elements, but still point to various studies that can neither confirm nor deny Aloe’s ability to cure digestive problems.

While the watery inner gel in the most sought after part of the Aloe Vera plant with stores selling it to the public by the gallon, it was the sap found on the inner lining of the leaves that was first used for Medicinal purposes by the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians. The yellow latex resin works as a powerful cleansing agent that helps get the bowels moving. 

Ancient people suffering from constipation would take this stuff and find themselves cleaned out and ready to go in no time. While this yellowish resin is a powerful laxative, most medical professional do not suggest it’s wide spread use due to the painful abdominal cramping that can sometimes be associated with it.

While many supporters of the Aloe lifestyle swear by the plant and its many medicinal uses, the professional medical community still remains a bit skeptical on whether the plant can supercede modern medical practices. However, since the Aloe Vera plant’s gel is non-toxic and does contain many beneficial vitamins, minerals and enzymes,  they cannot really argue against the practice of taking it. Since Aloe Vera has been cultivated and used by people for many, many years, one has to think that there is something to the little green plant that makes it worth keeping around. 

Yulia Berry is an independent health researcher and author of the best selling e-book on aloe vera, "Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor." She distributes a weekly newsletter regarding home remedies and
 has written another popular e-book "Pharmacy In Vegetables" and dozens of natural health articles published on hundreds of websites worldwide. 
For information on Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor, visit here.

Skin Care and Aloe Vera - The Naked Truth

Healthy skin is a concern for many people, especially in a modern world full of chemically concocted pollutants and irritants that encourage outbreaks as well as damage skin. A multi-billion dollar industry has sprung up to provide people with a plethora of skin balms, lotions and even prescription pills to help combat skin problems and the population readily forks over their hard earned cash in order to find at least some sort of relief for their skin dilemmas.   

While many large pharmaceutical companies choose fight fire with fire by cooking up something the lab, others have jumped onto to the “natural” bandwagon releasing lines of hypoallergenic soaps, creams and lotions derived from natural sources. One of the hottest natural additives today that is now being added into everything from hand sanitizer to laundry soap is, ironically, something that has been already been used for centuries. This substance is the Aloe Vera plant.

Many Americans keep an Aloe Vera plant in their home to aid in soothing burns and healing cuts, using the succulent as a natural first aid salve. The Aloe Vera plant has a long history of being a kitchen ornamental that people prefer to keep around whether they actually use it or not simply because their parents and grandparents did also.  

What many people do not know is that Aloe Vera’s healing properties have potential way beyond just being a substitute for a band-aid and a mother’s kiss (although it is hard to top a “boo boo” kiss). Besides cuts, scrapes and burns, this miracle plant can also help control acne, psoriasis, frostbite and blisters as well as help maintain healthy beautiful skin.

Aloe Vera has strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal as well as anti-viral properties.  Being a succulent with watery innards that could easily harbor bacteria if exposed the Aloe Vera contains large amounts long chain sugars that help fight off microbial invasion. These Polysaccharides are essential in helping heal damaged cells, and something that people stop developing on their own after adolescence. Besides these long chain sugars, Aloe Vera also contains a large amount of phytosterols, which are plant lipids that help improve skin elasticity eliminating the effects of scarring and wrinkles.  

The gel of Aloe Vera plant also has amazing moisturizing properties and also possesses the ability to oxygenate the skin tissue helping it heal faster.  On top of all this, this little miracle plant also contains 200 other active biological agents including glycerol, vitamin E and zinc. Imagine, you can get all this for a couple of bucks at a plant and garden center.

While big name corporations are catching on to the healing properties of aloe and are incorporating it into everything from disposable shaving blades to mouthwash, it is still in the pharmaceutical companies best interest to keep the population in the dark about the many healing secrets that this desert lily has. 

If people found out that treating your face with Aloe gel might actually do a better job in treating your acne than a prescription drug that essentially burns your face does, how the heck would they make any money?

Yulia Berry is an independent health researcher and author of the best selling e-book on aloe vera, "Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor." She distributes a weekly newsletter regarding home remedies and
 has written another popular e-book "Pharmacy In Vegetables" and dozens of natural health articles published on hundreds of websites worldwide.

For information on Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor, visit here.

Friday, April 8, 2016

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Diet, Pills Or Exercise!

I have always been what most would consider a “big girl”. In January 2016, I weighed 180 lbs (around 82 kilograms), which is quite overweight for a woman my height. I wasn’t always this weight though. In my teenage years, I weighed only 140 pounds and I felt much healthier and happier.

I strived desperately over the years to get back to this weight. But with a stressful and busy work life, I struggled to do so. Nothing seemed to work for me. I tried everything from diet pills to exercise machines I saw advertised on TV. I even tried crazy diets like the acai berry diet, and the green tea diet. They didn’t do anything for me. I was still overweight and considered myself ‘fat’.

That all changed in March 2016 though. I lost a staggering 23 pounds in only 21 days using an extreme diet I found online called The 3 Week Diet. I came across this diet after I read a news article about a famous Victoria Secret model who was using this exact same diet to lose loads of fat in preparation for photo shoots. If it worked for her I thought, shouldn’t it work for me?

I immediately started searching on Google and managed to find the official 3 Week Diet website. There, I watched a video by a professional nutritionist who revealed step-by-step what was needed to lose weight quickly. I was shocked, because no one had ever told me this information before! I had visited personal trainers, dietitians, and doctors, and in all these years, no one had ever told me these dieting secrets!

The next day I began the program. At first I thought it would be really difficult and that I would have to starve myself to see any progress. Boy was I wrong! I pretty much ate whatever I was eating before, but I made sure to eat it at the specific times when my metabolism was burning a thousand times faster than usual. I also made sure to include the secret fat-burning foods listed in The 3 Week Diet with every meal. These things combined made the fat literally melt right off my body! How did I know what times my metabolism was burning fat and what foods to include in my diet? Well, Brian from The 3 Week Diet had laid it all out for me as soon as I joined the website. It couldn’t have been easier!

On the first day alone, I lost 2 lbs (around 1 kilogram). The next day, I lost a massive 3 lbs! By the end of the first week I had lost around 10 lbs (4.5 kilograms)! That was much more than I had anticipated. I thought I would lose around 5 lbs max! But 10 lbs in only 7 days! That was life changing! I continued to follow the diet for the entire course of 21 days, and by the end of the diet I had lost an earth-shattering 30 lbs of 100% pure body fat!

My dreams had come true! I was now closer to my ideal body weight than ever before! I felt slimmer, sexier, and healthier! My belly fat had shrunk, my butt was firmer, my thighs were tighter, and my cheeks were no longer round and chubby! Some people barely recognized me! I loved my new body and it was all 100% thanks to The 3 Week Diet. It changed my life!

I am continuing to do The 3 Week Diet and the fat is still dropping off! I'm aiming to get down to 140 lbs and I am probably going to get there in less than a couple weeks! This diet has been one of the best experiences of my entire life. I didn’t have to starve myself, I didn’t have to take any unhealthy diet pills, I didn’t have to work my butt off at the gym, and I didn’t have to eat bland boring food! The 3 Week Diet is really the only solution out there today if you are looking for a system which shows you how to lose weight fast. It worked for me, and I know it will work for you too.

Click here to learn more about this high quality program.

Hay Fever and Allergies - A Natural Approach

Allergies can produce a great deal of suffering. In America alone, around 28 million people suffer from hay fever, and that does not include all the individuals who are allergic to pet dander, dust, foods, and bee stings.

Allergies are the result of an immune response gone overboard. Substances like dust, pollen, dust mites, and so forth are not harmful like pathogens. But in the allergic individual, these substances produce an extreme immune response. From debilitating to a mere annoyance, allergy symptoms are no fun.

Thankfully, there is a place for natural remedies in allergy management. Here are some natural approaches that may help reduce allergy symptoms. (Note: the natural remedies discussed below are not intended to be used to treat or prevent anaphylaxis, a deadly form of allergic response that is a medical emergency.)

1. Ginkgo

Have you heard of Ginkgo for memory? Interestingly, Ginkgo contains some substances that inhibit a chemical produced by the body during an allergic response: platelet-activating factor, or PAF. When your body produces PAF in response to an allergen, the PAF sets off a chain of events that lead to allergic symptoms and inflammation. Inhibiting the PAF means that the allergic response does not get to complete its cycle. It's like breaking the link in a chain.

Ginkgo is generally sold in standardized extract form. Herbalists recommend 60 to 240 milligrams daily, but no more than that. Ginkgo is low in side effects but high in effectiveness.

2. Garlic

Garlic contains a substance called quercetin, which can actually be taken as a supplement (more on that below). Other foods contain quercetin, too, but garlic has high concentrations of this substance. Quercetin is reputed to slow down inflammatory reactions, such as those found in allergic reactions. Onions, too, contain a significant amount of quercetin.    

3. Enzymatic Therapy

Enzymes - or a lack of them - are implicated in the development of allergies. At their very basic level, allergens are proteins, and certain enzymes are able to break down proteins before they can incite an allergic reaction. Enzymes can be taken in supplement form, but they may have digestive effects. However, many allergy sufferers find that the side effects are greatly reduced when the enzymes are taken with food.

4. Quercetin

Quercetin supplements are often suggested as a treatment for allergies. As noted above, certain foods contain quercetin, too. This is another argument for a healthy diet, because the foods that contain the most quercetin are those foods that are some of the healthiest: garlic, onions, apples, red wine (in moderation!), and citrus fruits - to name a few.