Thursday, April 7, 2016

Doctor’s stunned by this no-cost healing method

All these years I've been taking pills and trying all sorts of weird-tasting herbal remedies, but my migraines still haunted me daily. I don't know what exactly causes my migraines. Even my doctor told me it could be a multitude of factors: diet, sleeping habits, fitness, and the most dreaded one of all - stress. When doctors can't pinpoint what is wrong with you, they push the blame to stress. It's vague enough to stop you from doing all the things that stress you out. Which is basically everything in life.

So I began asking all my friends and family to see if anyone else had a problem with frequent migraines. And it turned out that my cousin Lily, whom I haven't seen in ages, used to have them! But I didn't know, because she always skipped out on family gatherings due to her feeling under the weather. I guess now I know exactly how she felt.

Lily told me she used to get such jarring headaches that she would have to stop whatever she was doing and go rest for an hour or two. Aspirin didn't relieve the pain much, and doctors kept prescribing stronger painkillers that made her feel physically weak and at times nauseated. I was surprised. Frankly, Lily looked positively healthy when I met her last week to talk about my migraines. Apparently she found a guide that taught her how to massage her meridian points. At first I was befuddled. What in the world were meridian points?!

She then recommended me the guide that relieved her of her nagging ailment, called Pure Natural Healing. It involved some methods of traditional Chinese medicine that didn't require any ingestion of pills or substances, which appealed to me because I've been hearing lots of bad things about painkillers lately.

It's a comprehensive guide surrounding the concept of meridian therapy, also known as acupressure, which is similar to the more popular acupuncture. Unlike acupuncture, acupressure doesn't require needles to be penetrated into the skin. Acupressure uses massaging techniques to stimulate energy flow between the meridian points of the body.

It may sound like some New Age kind of therapy, but actually it's a proven traditional method of Chinese medicine for centuries. What I love about meridian therapy is that it cures the root of the problem, and not just treat the symptoms like so many of the modern medicine nowadays do. If you get the flu, the antibiotics get rid of the flu, but they don't boost your immune system to help you counter the next flu virus that comes around. Meridian therapy serves to get to the cause of what's affecting you daily, such as stress and blood circulation.

I decided to give Pure Natural Healing a try as other therapies provided online weren't comprehensive enough. Their instructions usually involved complicated steps, and didn't have many illustrations to help smooth the process. Pure Natural Healing consisted of numerous pictures with every technique mentioned, along with specific steps written concisely. It even came with a video to properly demonstrate how the Qi-Flexercise worked.

After doing the Qi-Flexercise just a few times, I saw an improvement in my skin - my acne started clearing up, and my skin looked brighter and radiant. My mom thought I'd gone for a facial without bringing her! So I roped her into doing the Qi-Flexercise with me, and we were both amazed at how our health has improved so dramatically. I felt more energetic in the mornings, and no longer had that heavy sense of dread that used to sit on my shoulders as I made the mundane commute to work. My mom started being more active in the morning, waking up early to make breakfast and go out for long walks. (She hasn't made breakfast for the family in years!)

My dad, seeing how different my mom's and my dispositions are now, also pestered me to teach him how to do theQi-Flexercise. It turned out he was a natural! Without my advice or prompting, he watched the video once and managed to learn it in one sitting. To be honest it really was quite easy to follow, but I was so astonished at his progress because my dad had never been one for exercise or anything fitness-related.

It's really heartening to see how my family - and I - has become much more cheerful and living healthily now. I've realized how thankful I should be for having a decent job that paid my bills and allowed me room for my hobbies, and I see now that a well-rested mind and body are absolutely essential to my overall happiness. Since I don't dread waking up in the mornings anymore due to excessive lethargy, my productivity at work has increased almost double, and I've even started becoming more social with my colleagues. Here's to hoping I'll be getting that raise soon!

Don't restore to pills all the time. Some health problems can be resolved naturally. And you'll learn that all in the free "Rapid Remedies" ebook.