Monday, April 11, 2016

Sleep Paralysis: Home Remedies

Sleep paralysis is a very common sleep disorder. I myself have experienced it many times, so I know how scary it is. I have tried so many pieces of advices from different doctors, but most of them were ineffective. Recently I tried something that has relieved me of this daunting problem, so I thought I should share it with you people. But first, let's see what sleep paralysis is.

Sleep paralysis is a condition in which a person remains aware while the body shuts down for Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the deep most stage of sleep in which one usually dreams. It occurs either when falling asleep, or when awakening. When it occurs upon falling asleep, the person remains aware while the body shuts down for REM sleep, and it is called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis. When it occurs upon awakening, the person becomes aware before the REM cycle is complete, and it is called hypnopompic or postdormital. The person is unable to perform movements of the limbs. The individual may also experience paralysis of skeletal muscle which could be complete or partial. It usually last from several seconds to several minutes. In severe cases it may last for hours. It is not a complete paralysis, as studies show the eye movement is possible in it.

Apart from paralysis the person may experience increased heartbeat. It may also be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations, such as feeling of mysterious and horrifying creatures in the room, or something sitting on the subject's chest.

To look for its cure one should first try to understand its causes. Major causes of sleep paralysis include Migraine and Narcolepsy, a condition in which an individual experiences sudden periods of sleep during daytime hours. Sleep paralysis may also be hereditary. In addition to these, following may trigger sleep paralysis:

* Sleeping in a face upward position.

* Stress and anxiety.

* Sudden change in lifestyle.

* Excessive use of alcohol.

* Disruption in sleep cycles.

It is obvious that by reducing stress, relaxing and having a complete sleep are the ways to control sleep paralysis, but how can one avoid stress? How can one relax and sleep when there is a fear of sleep paralysis?

It is through Aromatherapy, and in this case you don't really have to go to a professional aroma therapist and ask for help. In fact you, yourself are the therapist. Try to figure out the fragrances and smell that calm and relax you. It may be the fragrance of a flower, a perfume or may be food. Just before you go to sleep have a whiff of that fragrance, or keep it at your bedside table. You can also help yourself unwind by adding essential oils or herbal tea to you bath water in the evening. Lavender, chamomile, frankincense, neroli, and rose oils are recommended. It will relax your mind and thus you will be able to overcome stress. Try not to think of your problems and stress during bed time, as it will harm the effect of aromatherapy.

For those people who experience sleep paralysis due to migraine, I will suggest they should use chamomile (a flower) tea. Add 2 to 3 teaspoons per cup. Dissolve and boil in any liquid (preferably water) 10 to 20 minutes. Use in up to three cups daily.

 Free Sleep Guide

Some other general precautions to avoid sleep paralysis are:

* Avoid sleeping in a face upward position.

* Exercise regularly.

* Avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, especially before bed time.

* Try to remove the fear of sleep paralysis. Tell yourself that it is not really a harmful thing and that you won't die of it.

* Try to live happy, avoid tensions.

I have tried all this and it really works. I hope that this article will help you fight this bloodcurdling disorder out.

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